Places to work at Boardwalk?

So after changing my mom and kids January trip days and also changing us to Boardwalk Inn to take advantage of extra evening hours, I realized DH could join us since it’s before his ski trip and with him having our travel day off anyway and our late flight home. Instead of his usual remote WFH he could WFD. I have a portable monitor I use when I work away from our house so he’s all set!

All was good and today it occurred to me that none of the room tours I’ve seen show a desk in the room. They have a couch and a chair, but not a desk. :woman_facepalming:

I’ve never stayed at Boardwalk. Any suggestions where one could work while staying there?

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I will be facing this same thing in probably September when I am planning a workation at Boardwalk for probably 5 nights, where I work during the day at the hotel.

I plan to ask for an office chair…and will have to use some surface.


I just looked at some pictures. My only suggestion would be to set up on the dresser and ask for a chair. I think it is too low to act as a standing desk. He could always sit on the edge of the couch arm, maybe?

I worked from BW last May. I did multiple meetings and I was even interviewed by a reporter over Zoom, all with no issues.


Belle Vue Lounge and the deck off the side are very quiet most of the time.

Unless anyone is having a group gathering there. But usually that’s not a thing.


@cbalusek, does he need to use the portable monitor?

I think he would prefer it but he can live without it if needed. It’s the same form factor as a 13 inch iPad or tablet so it’s pretty thin but needs to be plugged into the laptop, which assumes you have a place to put it next to the laptop.

It’s all rather hilarious as the other resorts we have been booked into for this trip would have been great. The refurbed Caribbean Beach rooms have a pull up table/desk thing in the coffee table thing in front of the couch. The Riveria room had a table. I love the Epcot location though so I’m happy where we ended up.

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I could not work in the lounge just due to confidentiality. I think I would move the chair and either use it as my desktop, near the couch or combine the end self and possibly move the lamp/table combo.

Following up! He worked from the Bell Vue lounge most of the time.


None of my pictures came through!

What the lounge looks like

There wasn’t a ton of outlets. DH managed to get one both days. Here’s where he worked Tuesday, and you can see the outlet behind him. He did not use the monitor at all and felt more comfortable with his laptop on his lap, with a pillow he stole from a couch to prop it up.

And here’s where he worked Wednesday - the outlet is on the floor

Another idea - the balcony in our room had two chairs and a side table. We did discuss bringing the table indoors but it was fairly low as well.