Photo Verification Entry at UOR

Much rumored and hinted at, a new photo verification process is now in Technical Rehersals at Islands of Adventure.

From Universal’s site:

Photo Validation

What is Photo Validation?
Photo Validation is a new, faster, and more seamless way to begin your visit to Universal Islands of Adventure - you just scan, smile, and go!

How is Photo Validation being used at Universal Islands of Adventure?
Photo Validation is used to to access select experiences - including verifying tickets and ticket holders at Universal Islands of Adventure Park Entry. Photo Validation is currently in Technical Rehearsal and will be available on a limited and unscheduled basis. Guests may continue to use their finger scan at lanes without Photo Validation during Technical Rehearsal.

Are Guests required to use Photo Validation?
Using Photo Validation is optional. You may opt out at Park Entry, or at Guest Services. If you decide to opt out of Photo Validation, you will continue to enter the park using the same lanes as guests who do use Photo Validation. Adults who decide to opt-out will be required to present a Photo ID to validate their ticket.

What data does Photo Validation collect?
We take a photo the first time you use your ticket. From that photo, the software builds a Photo Template. A Photo Template is a unique set of data points based on facial features. On subsequent entries to Universal Islands of Adventure, a new Photo Template is created and will be compared to the stored template to validate your ticket or other entitlement.

How long will Photo Validation data be stored in your system?
Photo Templates and images will be stored for no longer than six months after the expiration of the associated ticket or other entitlement. This is consistent with our entrance finger scan process.

I’m watching this over the weekend and a blog post will be up next week.


My family is going for a single day on 10/30
They have their tickets already - 1 day 2 park park-to-park tickets

Do they need to know anything about this?

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I’m all in favor of anything that speeds up the process. I’m not sure this is it though…

I’m thinking about the groups each morning where one person has all the tickets on the phone. It’s always a headache as they try to match a person with a ticket and then have to use the scanner. The fingerprint isn’t any faster. Now, they have to stop and take a picture of each person

I guess it may help with the “greasy” finger issues on scanners… :man_shrugging:

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My wife will be happy about this. The finger scan NEVER works for her, so she ends up having to show her driver’s license. This technology could make it so much better!


This is always a problem, and I try to avoid this if at all possible. Definitely faster/easier when everyone has their own tickets.


I try to scout which lane I’m going to get in, if I’m not at the front of the pack, looking for queues without 4 - 5 + people huddled together in a single spot. Also, I avoid lanes with large strollers / wagons! Those people always have issues too!! :rofl: :crazy_face:


Not really, just be aware of the change. And they can always opt out.


Thank you!

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Traditionally, they have to give a fingerprint as the taps on the first day of entry. Now, they’ll have their photo taken instead. You can opt of of both by using a photo Id.


Here’s an image. You just stand in front of the machine until it turns green.


DH doesn’t get why I do this! I feel a group of 4 or 5 will go through the turnstiles much slower than 4 or 5 single people.


IME - it’s true!! Singles tend to have their act together. Groups have people trying to get everyone to enter in the order of the tickets on their phone, grandma is too busy with the baby to notice the taps have opened or they have paper tickets they printed at home that won’t scan! :crazy_face::innocent:


The end game with this sort of system is your face is your MagicBand. So your Facial Data or whatever they’re calling it will link your tickets, Express, Photos, etc automatically with no need for scanning.


Maybe…but right now the technology isn’t designed to uniquely identify you from all others…but just to confirm that your facial features match the owner of the ticket. Much in the same way they don’t record your fingerprint itself, only certain key points…the same applies to the face. It is enough to tell that some other person in all likelihood is not using your card.

In order for the system to actually uniquely identify you without “help” from a MagicBand or card, it would need to record way more information about your face…and then it would cross over into something far more concerning.

Will it happen eventually? Perhaps. I doubt it will happen in the next 5 - 10 years.

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My super power is the ability to line up behind phone dad no matter how much they look like they have their crap together. In fact the more Im convinced the worse they are at entering. Its a gift !


I just got back from universal today. They only had the face recognition thingy set up one afternoon when I was there. The rest of the time it was the usual finger scanner etc. Pretty painless overall


It would be nice if they had a lane just for photo verification when your photo was already taken. So, basically a fast lane.

DH would love this. He even has a hard time using touch screens and always has a stylus for his phone.


I just got back. The entire process is extremely quick!!! Your first time will take no longer than any other time. It’s sooooooo fast!! You just look at the screen for less than 2 seconds and you are in!

I was hesitant about it before I did it. Now, I never want to use a fingerprint again

It’s now being used at EVERY tap, so you will have no issues waiting for it


There’s also a plan to use your phone to take the verification before arriving at the resort.

