Personalised Touringplans for California

Do these work correctly at the moment? I’ve created a plan for about 10 days before Easter at DCA and it has me pretty much done by 2 in the afternoon! This doesnt seem a realistic expectation to me.

The TPs are not as accurate at DLR as they are in WDW. The data they collect is not as vast and it is a local park, which means many of the locals are pass holders and can pop in adjust the CLs far more than any other park. My advice is to go early and hit it hard in the morning, keep your plan and follow it for a few hours. I HIGHLY recommend get MaxPass and letting that guide your afternoon/evening. I agree, that close to easter it is not likely you will be done 2 pm.

Not so much inaccurate, but broken is what I was wondering as it had a large number of low or zero waits.

If that is the case, then I would email touring plans at The can assist you with that.