Perplexing conundrum — now featuring trip report 🤩

Since our epic 10th anniversary party was kaput due to Covid, I’ve simply taken the funds for that and spread it out over the last few years. :joy:

Don’t worry there is no alcohol involved this time!!


I can hear that picture.


Ugh. Just discovered that the GF lobby is being remodelled and currently looks awful.

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I’m sure the construction noise will perfectly complement the piano music. :roll_eyes:

Are the Epcot walls down yet? The photos of the GF lobby reminded me of my construction wall fatigue.

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They’re never coming down. I don’t remember a time when they weren’t there. I cannot understand how Disney takes so long with construction.


I’m surprised they haven’t made is a new game at Epcot: The Mouse Maze! See if you can find your way around the walls! All paths end in a gift shop!


Most likely after Epic Universe opens. Many many construction delays.




How can there be? They’re not even building anything that’s any good or complicated. It’s a walking attraction. Universal is three minutes away from opening a whole new Minion land that they started about a week ago.



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I’m so sorry that happened to ya’ll and it’s the other owner’s responsibility to pay your vet bill. Dog fights are traumatic. I always need a glass of wine after. (Part of fostering lots of strays, there is an occasional scuffle).

*Also, I assume ya’ll have leash laws. If you ever encounter her again with her dog off-leash, I’d report her.


Ditto this.


I used to be the jerk Animal Control agent who would walk door to door (in the Anaheim Hills) checking for current dog tags/current rabies shots.

Dogs off leash/lead is a very serious issue. You have attackers and you have runners. Both of which can happen in a split second when faced with an unexpected threat.

The whole “my dog would never…” always makes me laugh/mad. I can almost guarantee that wasn’t her first time having her dog snap, but it looks like it was the first time she was put in place for it.

Good for you and I’m so sorry Calvin had that experience.


Did they adhere to #6?

I mean, it was right there in the schedule!

Come to think of it, when I said “No” to my kids at age 13, it made something more enticing. So maybe they want her to get more dinos. :thinking:



You’re right!!!

turns around



Also, side bar, this is my now mostest favorite gif ever. It will be overused immensely.

That is all.


We had a guy in my neighborhood that walked his oldish dog off leash ALL the time. If kids got anywhere near them, and I mean within 50 yards, the dog would clearly get his back up and square off with them growling. He insisted the dog was friendly and not to worry.

He was asked multiple times by various neighbors to keep it on a leash. He did not.
Then the dog started escaping his house over and over. I had to shoo it out of my back yard twice.

Finally, one day I’m up replacing my roof and I hear my then 10yo daughter scream.

I literally jumped down from the roof and ran out front - she was frozen in our driveway with the dog growling at her from the street. I yell and the dog eventually wanders off home.

I head over there fuming and the guy’s girlfriend is on the front porch letting the dog in the house. I tell her from the street to let him know the dog scared the heck out of my kid and the next time I see it out I’m calling animal control.

Then, the dog runs off the porch, across the lawn and bites me on the leg.

Draws blood through thick jeans! Girl runs in house. Guy apparently isn’t home.

I go to doctor - they have to fill out a form for dog bites and I tell them where this dog lives.
Doctor is mad on my behalf and tells me I have to go ask them about the dog’s rabies shots.

I knock there later, his mother says he is not home. I tell her I need to know the dogs shot history because it bit me. Guy. Never. Responds. I keep knocking, they keep avoiding.

Finally animal control shows up there a few days later, then stops by to see me. Tells me the dog had it’s first shot, but not the required follow-up. But, they tell me the chance of the dog having rabies even with a single shot is very tiny. (Gee thanks.)

Guy got a big fat fine, they told him next time the dog gets taken.
He’s lucky I’m not one to sue people.

Six months later: dog off the leash again. Then escapes again.
A month after that: guy’s house is foreclosed and he moves out.

TL;DR Some people should not have dogs.


Lame I know but 13/14 were two of the best years of my life. I preferred junior high (yes not middle school as it was just 7/8th) to high school personally.

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This cute white siberian husky mix with gorgeous blue eyes (in Texas) keeps ending up in my front yard during work and I have to rescue him. He loves me and we’re friends now, comes right to me…First time I had to sit down and not look at him directly and call him. If he ends up in my front yard again I think the law says I get to keep him right? :wink:

My office faces a front window and I’ll just see fluffy white fur over my monitors. I’ll be mid-meeting and just hop off and go get him. My boss gets it. LOL