Park Reservation System thread


Have you got the right category on the calendar? The resort stay version.

Also I saw some people say they had to click on days multiple times before getting availability. What dates can you not get?

it’s not a category issue as it’s not the “gray/yellow/green” calendar.

And it’s all days that are unavailable, and switching back and forth doesn’t work.

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So there’s also some weird glitch that Blog Mickey posted about. If you have different length tickets, or an AP with other tickets, the system is only recognising the shorter ticket.

A solution is to reassign the “extra” ticket to a dummy profile, and then book for you. Then reassign the ticket back.

They also talk about the AP issue of a three day limit. The system was “seeing” the AP first rather than the resort stay. The article doesn’t say it’s been fixed, but like I say there are a lot of happy AP holders who tried in the early hours and found it was fixed for them.

Read about it here


OK, so something has definitely changed. I was able to book 5 days instead of 1! I need 7 days total, but still a huge improvement over yesterday.

So my first hotel stay/reservation is taken care of, but I can’t get my second one booked.

I have 2 sets of tickets: 4 day military tickets, and 3 day base package tickets…since I can book 5 days, it’s not the multiple tickets causing problems. I do have overlapping reservations though (indecisive much?), and there’s speculation that is the problem…will get one cancelled and see if that fixes it.


I’m one of them.

But while this makes sense – in an insane Disney IT sort of way – it also does not, because having an AP does not entitle you to book park reservations on June 22, a resort reservation does. So if the system only “saw” my AP it should not have worked even for 3 yesterday

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I could see it being a very simple coding error. SOmething like this:

if (hasResortStay) {
if (hasAP) {
maxDays = 3;
} else if (hasParkTickets) {
if (parkTicketsLength < resortStayLength) {
maxDays = parkTicketsLength;
} else {
maxDays = resortStayLength;

This code mistakenly checks for the AP first, causing the bug.

(Obviously this is grossly simplified code for the sake of example.)



That was it. When RotR failed, they gave us a complimentary parkhopper pass and that was the issue. Reassigned it to a different account and I was able to make all my selections.



Woohoo! Now let’s blow this thing and go home! :slight_smile:


If you think i’m gonna suddenly start liking your posts now, you’re cocky. And you should never get that.

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Think of the system as a flowchart.

It will check for a valid combination of date and criteria to allow you to proceed.

After those three initial priority groups, there is code to actually allow you to book.

(The first bit was like the “triage” screening, which at some point will be switched off, or replaced with maybe a onsite vs offsite check and a booking window).

At this point it heads off into the same code whereby certain criteria are prioritised.

It must have been checking for an AP first and when “true” it was heading off to code limiting you to 3 days.

It should have been checking for a resort stay first and when “true” allowing all days of your stay (subject to tickets).

A case of wrongly prioritising the AP rather than the resort stay.


Thanks for keeping it simple, many have little to no coding knowledge.

I had no problem getting park reservations once I got in, but it was very simple, 3 guests all with AP, all three on one resort reservation.

It amazes me the complicated combination of reservations and tickets that some folks have. Guess I’m lucky I can keep things simple.

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Yay! Glad I could help!


yah, same message as the pink castle of purgatory from yesterday. HANG IN THERE EVERYONE! It seems as though APs have experience the greater number of hiccups that those with resort reservations and park passes.

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@Randall1028 yes, this is exactly what is happening.
I can see there is availability on the availability calendar, I can get to the choose your party page and then when I go to select the date, it shows what you have screen shot.
I am looking for December 14, 15, 16, and 17.
Last night I was able to get those for me (so I have 20 park reservations) but I still can’t get for DH. I tried logging into his account and doing it from there but nothing.
He also has a Platinum pass, is on the linked hotel reservation and passes are active.

This isn’t our issue. We only have Platinum AP - no other tickets

Narrator: It turned out that work was NOT her priority, and she probably could be fired for the amount of time she spent on Disney stuff that day…

(please read as Morgan Freeman. I always do)


Theatre. They gotta make it look good.

I think her response was a real-time update and a call to action for those of us who had been stuck all day :slight_smile:

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DH and I both have these too but I was able to make mine and not all of his so I don’t know if this is our issue but our 1 day pass says it can’t be reassigned - how did you reassign it?