Park Pass Changes

I was planning to do all that cancellation and rebooking a few weeks ago, but suddenly found it resolved itself. Must admit I was relieved. It definitely made changing parks much easier.


Someone in another thread just this week said they couldn’t modify - had to cancel blindly and then rebook. What in DisneyIT is going on anymore?!?!?!?!

what happened with the rumor that Hopping was dropping in time for DVC and/or AP holders? Did that manifest itself?

Or do I need to sacrifice another small child’s soul to D’Amaro still? I’ll do it too. I got this real uppity one that just moved in next to me. He clearly isn’t using his, so… D’Amaro can have it.


Do it.

(Disclaimer: this is a JOKE and I in no way endorse killing anyone ever :roll_eyes:)


whoa, easy there, Sithlord. Who said anything about KILLING?

That’s dark.


I was just thinking of your basic dime-store soul transaction. …though…thinking on it…mayyyybe I shouldn’t have sold yours? You then might not think “killing” was the “go-to”.

Meh…what’s done is done. That Snicker’s bar was worth it.


I guess I’m not wise to the ways one would go about sacrificing a soul. It would seem to me, in my innocence, that it would require killing.

Let me clarify as well I do not endorse actual soul sacrificing either. Just in case that’s not clear.

No potatoes? that’s kind of a bummer.

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Inflation in the soul-market has been high for a while now. :man_shrugging: I thought I had scored a pretty solid deal.

Turns out, potatoes are a hot commodity. Aim high next time you steal a soul


When calm you are, at peace, then, with the light side will you be.

That case was April, far enough off to cancel and rebook everything. Annoying, but a 1 time task, and then you’re clean.

Why do these things happen? Having worked in corporate IT for awhile, it’s usually bc execs make promises that can’t be kept, and you get a system with rough edges as the minimum deployable release. Then middle management has to step in and clean up after the execs move on to the next shiny object.


ok, that’s pretty good. I feel i need to incorporate that into next year’s Global Celebration’s Festive and Costumed Finale.


That could be a great mash up!

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Aww my Colbert! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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oddly enough, this also came up in my search of things today:

…are you remotely infecting my search engine? I feel this is something brought on by this thread…

I um have no idea what that um is…

I um am not um sure how that would um have anything to do um with um me.

(also, are you auditioning for Flight of Passage briefings, knock it off!)

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Good pickup! I totally um was going to say that that thing looks like it could uh fly

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Shoulda been there for the liner meet the one night. there was MUCH mocking, MUCH MUCH mocking, of that yutz.

Good times.

Shoulda coulda woulda

Sad to have missed it!