Park Hopper Plus Option

With the plus ticket, you get access to water parks, mini golf, etc.
If we had a 3 day hopper plus ticket, you have a window of days to use those 3 park days.
Do you have to use the water park on one of those three park days?
Or can you use the three park days and within the 7 day window, go to the water park on a fourth day?

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The “plus” options can be used on any of the days that your ticket is valid for.

So you can alternate the parks and water park / mini golf etc. You can also use more than one “plus” option on one day if you wish.


Thanks for the quick response!

Here’s the hypothetical:
We get 3 day hopper plus ticket, valid for 6 days.
Wednesday- park day 1
Thursday- park day 2
Friday - no park day….but want to do water park
Saturday - park day 3

That work? Or would we need a four day hopper ticket?


That is totally allowed. You could even use it for mini-golf or another water park on a fifth day or combined with one of your park days if your tickets are valid for those days.


This is great intel, thanks!


For a 3 day park hopper plus you get 3 days of parks AND 3 entries to the “plus” options.

I say 3 entries because if you choose to go to both water parks on the same day you would use 2 of those “plus” options.

I also believe you can go to both mini golf on the same day and use just one of the “plus” options. But that’s coming from the dim & distant past so don’t quote me on that!


I believe those who say my plan will work. I wonder how I can confirm through Disney. Just ask via chat?

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You can.

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I confirmed via Disney chat the water park/golf passes are valid within the six day window and don’t have anything to do with the park hopper three day passes.
This feels like such a win for us! Thanks everybody!


This makes convention tix with Park Hopper Plus an even greater value! I thought the Plus had to be used on the same day as the park ticket.

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