Outstanding Service

Hi all! We just returned from a great week at WDW, and as much as I’d love to document an entire trip report, I just don’t have the energy at the moment. I did want to take a minute, however, to shout out the absolutely outstanding service we received at several restaurants on property. Four meals in particular really stood out…Via Napoli, Steakhouse 71, Morimoto Asia, and Grand Floridian Cafe.

My son spent a semester abroad studying in Florence last year, and he and our server at Via Napoli (our must do restaurant every trip) struck up a conversation. He was from near Venice and was incredibly kind and joyful and even took pictures with our family at the end of the meal.

At Steakhouse 71 our server Andrew had us in stitches! After observing my son gulp down multiple glasses of tea he brought him 4 more glasses all at once and made a dramatic display of placing them all in front of him. He was also just full of joy and seemed to be genuinely happy to be there. We had been to Steakhouse 71 before and thought the atmosphere was a little stale feeling, but having a peppy server made all the difference.

This was our first visit to Morimoto Asia and WOW! So delicious! Again, the service we received here was impeccable. Very friendly, very efficient, and he offered without our asking to put a couple ingredients on the side that some pickier eaters might have issues with.

And lastly, Grand Flo Cafe for breakfast. Why have I not heard everyone raving about this? Our first visit here too, and it may be a must do from now on. Avocado toasted with marinated tomatoes, chicken and waffles, steak and eggs…this is no standard Disney breakfast. Yum! Our server here was from Moldova and when we told her that she was the first person from Moldova we had ever met, she lit up like she was so excited someone had asked about her country. It was a great conversation, and we had such a fun time learning about her.

I can honestly say that these meals were my favorite part of our entire vacation because of the interactions we had. Kudos to great cast members who are continuing to provide the magic!


Make sure you submit cast compliments for those servers via the MDE app or an email to guest services.


Amen to this. Interactions with staff are as important as the taste of the food. I’m so glad you had so many excellent meals with awesome CMs!