I clicked on a bunch of rides, entered lunch at 11:30 at Pecos Bills, 4:30 dinner at LTT, hit the optimize button.
The plan doesn’t make sense.
Step 1. 8:31 Peter Pan, off in 6 minutes,
Step 2 head to Pecos Bill’s for lunch at 8:40am
Step 3 Splash at 9:28 am
WHat did I do wrong in creating the plan? Peter Pan won’t be open early - according to recent reports no rides are open before 9am. ANd, I don’t want lunch at 8:40am, and I don’t think it is open then anyway.
Well…I entered the correct times, at least I think I did, but when it optimized it, it moved the times. Anyway, I changed them again and it seems to be sticking. Thanks so much for your help and your patience.