Oops I did it again

And by “it” I mean…

I got annoyed at certain inlaws who shall remain nameless this Christmas and decided that the best way to avoid the same situation next Christmas was to plan to spend Christmas 2024 in Paris, with a DLP trip built in.

Except…up until that point, I’d also been toying around with the idea of doing the new DCL Disney Treasure cruise over new years next year. Obviously that couldn’t happen if I was spending all my $$ and vacation time on a trip to DLP right around the same time, so I did the other logical thing and went ahead and booked a DCL Disney Treasure cruise for May 2025 instead.

And of course, if I’m already going to be in Florida to get on and off the cruise ship, then it only makes sense to tack on a few days at the world to my trip…

So, um, yeah. I put down deposits on two different Disney vacations within the same week, mainly out of annoyance at my in-laws. Oops!

Question though: there isn’t a DLP forum here on my trusty TouringPlans forum…anyone have a recommended forum for DLP questions?


That’s brilliant. I have plans to travel Christmas 2025 to avoid my in-laws after this Christmas.

Also I now have that song stuck in my head.


There are a couple of recent trip reports on DLP you could read. I think they are usually just in the regular WDW forums.


Avoiding family conflicts AND doing a Disney trip sounds like a win-win to me :slightly_smiling_face:

We just came back from a Christmas trip to DLP: https://forum.touringplans.com/t/christmas-at-disneyland-paris-december-2023/97354

There were indeed a number of other DLP trip reports that were super useful for research this year. @stlouie went in November, and a few other Liners earlier in the year including @Sunshiney_Disney_Momma, @Wahoohokie, @amsterdad, @cbalusek and @sanstitre_has_left_the_building. Also @melcort10 and @hodg have been in previous years and had good tips. I am probably forgetting others. Happy to try to answer any questions you might have!


You have a lot of Disney math at play!

Yes! I was in France 16 days in November! My trip report is here.


Feel free to ask questions.

I couldn’t find one so I picked the brains of my fellow Liners here who went to Paris and/or DLP this year!


I’m probably out of date on DLP really- tho wld avoid sequoia as it’s so dated.
But I’d be interested in paris suggestions with older teen boys- were there for a week for the Olympics next summer. DS20 likely now not to come as may be in Thailand, DS17 hopefully will bring a friend.

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Disboards has a DLP section but it isn’t that useful, I found the trip reports here more help. We’re going in May, happy to answer questions after that


There’s a DLP subreddit that’s very active. There’s probably FB groups, but I didn’t search there.


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Wait, we are going to Paris Christmas 2025? Or a cruise? or Orlando Mother ship?

Not like I’m planning or anything…


I would like to do Europe. Maybe Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


By 2025 I may have time for fun. And I may know people there :slight_smile:




Do recommend. Switzerland is up on my list and Austria has some mild interest.

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We love Austria!!

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You need to follow @melcort10 current trip- she’s in Germany/Austria over the holidays


I have been following it. I would love to visit the Christmas markets.

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I was there in June and September. Here’s a link and happy to help if I can. Good luck with the preparation!


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