Online FP+ Reservations Searching by Single Person for Hard to Get Attractions

Question for the experts on the FP+ system.

Have a trip scheduled for May 14th & 15th and was unable to get FastPass+ for the Seven Dwarfs and Meet Anna/Elsa. Therefore I selected 3 other attractions for each day for myself and family members.

I’ve been reading about a strategy that suggests trying to search for the harder to get attractions with a single person and then try to copy/add over the family members. I’m interested in trying that, but when I go online to do this it appears I would need to cancel my existing FP+ reservations in order to search for one family member.

Is there a way to search for availability for 1 person without cancelling all the existing reservations? Ideally I’d want to know whether I can find availability before having to cancel my existing. The way it’s set-up now is if I can’t find availability then I would need to re-set up all my existing FP+ reservations.


I am sure others might have a better way of doing this - please comment if you do! I have found the easiest way to search for something new is to choose one of your FPP and modify the time slightly - you might still want to make it overlap in case you don’t end up changing it. This seperates your FPP from the rest of your family. Then go back and modify again - you can now hit change experience and just search for one FPP for the hard to get attractions.


Thank you very much for the tip! It worked! Was able to separate myself from the family but have enough overlap that we can still ride together if I don’t land one of the high demand attractions.

Thx again!

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