Pretty sure I’m going to pull the trigger today on buying the OTU points that are part of the Membership+ or whatever it’s called. But I have a couple of questions:
- I have to be ready to make a ressie at the time of purchase, yes?
- Once the ressie is made, do I need to call if I want to make any modifications? I am trying to piece together a 2 or 3-night stay somewhere new (BLT I’m looking hard at you right now!) but also want to have the stay coordinate with another stay - by points or cash - to make it a 4-5 night visit. If I need to modify the ressie to make that all work, will I have to call back? Or once I have them are they mine to play with?
Once you have bought them you can manage them as normal.
They’ll show in your account as a new contract - which could have any home resort. And that contract could remain in your account for a while.
You can only buy them to make or complete a reservation. But you can also cancel that reservation and they will then just be normal points.
Thanks for this info! I don’t mind calling but it’s nice to know that once I buy them and make the initial ressie I can then move it around as needed.
You won’t be able to switch them into a reservation that was made in the 7-11 month window.
But when I used them I booked something 3 months out that used exactly the number I needed. As soon as I had put the phone down I cancelled the reservation and they showed up in my account. And at the 7 month window I used them when I switched an existing reservation to a different resort.
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Ok so to clarify -
I am holding a September reservation at my home resort.
If for some unforeseen reason I needed to cancel the June visit I’m making with OTU, I could not call to shuffle points around to use the OTU for the September ressie?
I would, instead, need to cancel my September ressie when September falls into the 7mos window and rebook as a 7mos or less ressie in order to make that possible?
I am considering ways to insure against loss of the OTU points in case something prevents me from going in June.
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First off it’s always worth calling anyway!
But if the room is available you should just be able to modify the September reservation. Don’t cancel it! If it doesn’t work then call.
Somewhat stupidly I can’t remember if the OTUPs will just be in your own use year. It might be worth trying Chat to see what they say.
The home resort ressie - booked at maybe 10 mos out - is OKW so when that rolls around I have no doubts my dates will still be quite available to cancel and rebook. But maybe I’ll call anyway?
That transfer from home resort booking to a 7 month booking is tricky. You could definitely call to make sure, or you could book a 2nd stay with the OTU points and then call to merge the two stays into one. Either way you are calling to make sure it works out!
Cancel and rebooks would be the only way not to call.
OTU points have the UY of your contract.
I was having a debate over whether DVC will let you modify a 7-11 month reservation at the 7 month mark, in order to use a different resort’s points (assuming no availability - not like your situation). My personal impression is strongly that they can only “drop/add” the reservation which comes with risk.
That’s not allowed.
Otherwise people would use home resort priority to book GFV or the Poly Tower, and then swap SSR points in at 7 months …… leaving all those GFV / Poly points available to use again.
That was what I said too, and definitely for those reasons.
I have two seperate Memeberships, one BCV and one AKV. I booked a stay at BCV at 11 months. At 7 months I waitlisted the same stay with my AKV contract and then later that night canceled my reservation and tried to immediately pick it up with the AKV contract.
It started to let me, and then I got the error message. I think the waitlist system picked it up, because four days later my waitlist came through.
I wonder if CMs try to do the same thing for people, with the warning that there is no garuntee? The person I was speaking to was pretty emphatic CMs had moved things around to use non-home resort points for a stay booked during the home resort window. Or maybe they combined a stay booked on different points at different times?