OKW Room finder

Is anyone else having trouble getting any rooms that match their selections? I’ve tried studio, multiple bedrooms, and floors and nothing will match. I’ve used this feature many times, so I’m not sure what is happening. Am I doing something wrong? I did edit the date.

No problems whatsoever.

I use the room finding on the computer Chrome browser as well as my Android phone (also Chrome).

The date? I am not sure why the date matters when searching for a room. I think that is just to give you the adjusted Rack Rate price…which is something I don’t ever use

I’ve never had trouble.

What can I help you find?

Or are you trying to BOOK a room?

Do you have TP picks selected? You should unselect that if so.

We should probably update those picks. Thank you for the reminder.


I was using chrome and nothing popped up or turned red. I might try on my iphone.

Tried using with and without TP picks and nothing, I’ll try again.

As an experiment…use Incognito mode, to make sure there isn’t some filter enabled that is limiting things it shouldn’t be!

I already have a reservation I just like seeing what they recommend. I’ve never had trouble either. I’ll try again but thanks for offering to help!

I went out and came back in and it’s working now. Thanks!