OKW offer - possible contract extension?

Ok so this is complete rumor and speculation territory, but.

I was watching 2 Foolish Mortals on you tube and they went to a new Welcome Home Update at RR for current members. As part of the presentation, the DVC rep mentioned offers at OKW for members of OKW, but didn’t go into detail. Sounds to me like they’re considering something for when the contracts expire. Maybe it just offering the remaining 2042’s to extend to 2057? It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

She mentions it @ 13:50

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They currently have an incetive offer for current DVC memebers (owners at any resort) to buy into OKW. Base price for direct is $205, but.if you buy 300 points the incentives bring that down to $135. That’s without selling your points back. Resale for 2057 contracts is around $113.

I’ll find the chart from DVC fan.

I think they are seeing if there is a market for cheap.OKW points. If there is, they may start ROFRing more contracts with a 2042 expiration in order to tuen thos into 2057.

I don’t take anything from that at all.

They’re going to have to come up with a plan in the next few years I think, but I don’t think we’re there yet and I would be shocked if this were anything related.

Here are the OKW incentives for current memebers:

And the whole article:

I wasn’t thinking it was much of anything either, but then she showed the current (as of filming) incentives

And also additional incentives for those that sat through the Update schpele

Which made me think if they specifically called out OKW owners, that there might be something different that’s not being advertised. But like you said @heathernoel it may just be them calling attention to that special offer add on incentives :woman_shrugging:.

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DVC fan only has those incentives because somebody called and asked. They aren’t on any of those sites, and it doesn’t look like they were mentioned here either. I suspect thats because the points are so much cheaper than these they don’t want under sell themselves?

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I am curious of OKW is eligible for the Welcome Home (I don’t think so) or the first year buy back.

Oohhhh! Interesting. I just tried doing the add on too on the website but it was basically telling me to call my guide. I thought it used to actually calculate out without talking to anyone. So annoying.

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It is definitely super secret! But also enticing. I could justify that cost difference to get a blue card. But I would have to sell my other contracts and I am super attached.

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Wait what - she keeps saying Interval international is only for “blue card direct “ memberships?

I thought that was available to all owners?

I’m sure it’s for everyone too.

Who’s saying it’s only for “blue card”?

Maybe they’re getting confused with the Disney Collection - the non DVC Disney hotels.

Video posted above-
2 Foolish Mortals

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