Are there any November 2015 memory maker shares open? Going week of Thanksgiving.
I, too, am going the week of Thanksgiving. I saw in another thread there is a Facebook Group called November 2015 Liners, and there are open shares there. I have just requested to join the group. If I don’t find an open share there, and we can find some people to join here, I will be glad to go in with you.
I have one I am looking to fill around Thanksgiving week. Email me at duffybear32830 at gmail for the details. Thanks.
I’m still looking to join a mm share, prefer to join with group that will use dummy acct that all will link to, hopefully with someone that has done it before
Still looking for a share to join
I have never done a MM share before but am interested. My dates are 11/14-11/21 (but I will only be in the parks 11/15-11/20) I honestly don’t even know what to do and I don’t have FB. So if anyone is starting one let me know!
I am in touch with a fb liner who is considering starting a share, I will keep you updated gmlauder
Thank you! I will keep checking back!
I’m looking for a late Nov share if anyone has any room on their roster?
I decided I would like to get MM for our trip even though it is short. Our dates are Nov. 7 & 8 (pre-DCL) and Nov. 13 (post-DCL) if anyone has room in their November share.
I am putting together my own share for November via the group on FB @VanellopeVonDoom. Your dates should work just fine if you wanna join? Gimme a PM
Hi I am going Nov19-20 and I am interested in a mm share if still available
I am going November 11-17 and am interested in a share.
Hi @ChristineSampia. I’d be interested if you still need someone. We’re going 11-11 through 16.