No Fantasmic = longer Tom Sawyer’s Island hours?

When Fantasmic is not running, is Tom Sawyers Island open later? We’re looking at a trip in May and trying to decide if we should go before or after Fantasmic re-opens. Curious if going before would mean more time on the Island for the kiddos.


I don’t know the answer and wasn’t able to find anything with a google search. But here are my thoughts:

Closing time at TSI depends on when the sun sets. It closes no later than dusk. But I’m not sure how that affects operation when Fantasmic is running. Fantasmic is always after dusk but they need to prep the area and get the rafts ready.

So if TSI is a priority for you, I recommend going on a non-Fantasmic day. That said, you will probably be fine with about an hour there regardless.

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Super helpful; thanks!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tom Sawyer Island stay open past 5-6pm, even if Fantasmic isn’t running for whatever reason and dusk is later like 7-8pm. What I do notice is that when Fantasmic isn’t running, the Mark Twain may stay out and available for guests until closer to 8pm. But I also haven’t seen that in a really long while so not sure if they do that anymore.

My kids love Tom Sawyer Island and even in perfect conditions (they have good energy, aren’t hungry, and it’s perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold) they’ve never wanted more than an hour at it. It is really fun and there’s certainly a good amount to explore and see if you stop and look at everything in all corners and walk all the small caves, but even if you really took your time at it I would say 90 minutes tops and then plan for another 15-20 minutes to take the rafts to & from. I find it best to go when it first opens (9 or 10am-ish) and that way you’re done as crowds are picking up both to the island and in that side of the park in general & you can get to an area that better absorbs crowds.


Have fun! :slightly_smiling_face: