New Rhino tour and Plans

There does not seem to be the addition of the new Animal Kingdom’s ‘Up Close with Rhinos Tour’. This would alter a Touring Plan. Any suggestion?

Not quite sure what you mean. When I tried to see what all the plan hype was about (not a plan girl…I do a few ADRs, make my FP+ and any tours, and wing it), I had to add tours in manually.

i saw that you could do that. It’s probably a minor working around a plan. I have an 11am tour and thought i’s add it so the plan would reflect that time being taken up by the tour. If not noted the plan would assume that i’m just carrying on to the next item on the agenda.

Right. That is what I did with Caring for Giants. Granted I recycled all my printed papers after an hour. WAY too scheduled for my style. LOL.

True. I have used the Plans before as a guide and have moved quicker through them or found that I wanted to go about the day differently. Thanks for the response

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