New Free Dining Dates

Hi! We have reservations for July at FQ. Free dining dropped this morning, but our agent said FQ (which is included) doesn’t have availability. She could switch us from FQ to Riverside to take advantage of the offer. Is it worth it to make that change for quick service when we are already planning on eating at several table service restaurants? Riverside is a higher package price because only royal rooms are available, so that also cuts into the savings for free dining. We’ve always had the room discount, never free dining, so I’m not sure if it’s worth changing from the resort that we want.

Did you look to see the price if you upgrade to the regular dining plan? POR (as long as you are not booking a Royal Room) will have a newly renovated room.

I did not. That’s a good idea. I was originally trying to cut off some table service meals because the number one priority this trip is Galaxy’s Edge, and I didn’t want to be tied to a lot of reservations. My agent did say that the only rooms at POR are the royal rooms.

Those rooms will begin renovation in March. I think the last set of rooms are scheduled to begin renovation in June so you have a real good chance of getting a renovated room there too.

I do love POR. We stayed in a royal room before. I just really really wanted FQ this time! I’m so mad at myself. I read last night that Disney was dropping discounts this morning, but I didn’t think they would be for July yet. I made the poor decision to sleep in! Even if I was up and found availability, I have to wait to reach my agent, correct? Is there any way around that? For example, is there a way to book new package to get discount and then have her cancel old one and take on the new reservation?

You could have always booked it and then cancelled with her if she could not take it over but I think she could have? Are you sure she didn’t check first thing this morning? I know most TAs knew these discounts were dropping today. I saw it posted online a few days ago. Just because FQ was included it does not mean it was included every date? Also, sometimes more availability seems to open up in a few days when holds are released ?

I emailed her at 8:00. She got back to me about 20 minutes later saying she was already trying but no luck for FQ. I figured it would be a long shot for FQ.

I’ve had my package reserved since last summer through an agency. If I see something open up for free dining, and I grab it how does that work. The agent said she will be able to transfer it over. I have an additional package booked for my parents. Is there a certain amount that I will need to put down if I do it myself? Thanks!

My TA checks all applicable reservations whenever new deals come out to see if they are better off with the new one or as-is without even being promoted. There have been times she emailed me saying either “I checked the new discount/package and you are better with what you have” or “I have changed you to the new package/discount” before I even knew there was one.

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Thanks. This is my first time with this agent. It’s a big agency that is mentioned here often. My fear is that she has a lot of clients to check. When dining opened, I emailed her. She said she was checking mine right at that time. That was 8 AM, and we missed it. If I know a room discount is coming, I can be checking too. I just want to make sure I can pass back control to her so she can get the commission.

Did she miss it? Are you sure that FQ was available for your dates on release? My agent has always asked me if I am willing to change resorts for free dining since resorts are not available ( even those included) every date.

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FQ was available when it was released, but availability was gone by the time we talked. She offered to switch to Riverside, but it was quite a bit more $ to switch. I think only the Royal Rooms were available. I got the heads up from Tom Bricker’s newsletter, but it didn’t work out with our timing. That’s why I’m hoping to watch myself for room discount. I will still switch back over to her.

How do you know it was available? You went through a mock booking?

It was included in the list of resorts accepting it, and I read multiple reports of people getting it on other sites. Also, she told me that king was available over email. She didn’t change the booking right then because it was a higher price for king room, and she wanted my OK. Then it was too late. A king room would work for my the reservation that we have for my parents. I am not upset with my agent at all, and I definitely will continue to work with her. I just wonder if it helps to have both of us trying when a discount drops, especially when I know FQ doesn’t have a lot of discounts and books quickly. I probably should have emailed the night before to come up with a game plan!

I was just clarifying because usually, especially with FQ, it will be included for only one or two of the listed dates - not all. I didn’t want you to assume you missed it because it is on the list. TAs should have know the offer was being released and looking at reservations hours before the blog posts.

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I was surprised it was included too! Only offered on a few days, and it comes up on my date! I keep checking myself to see if I can make something work. If not, it’s fine. It’s more to try and save my parents money. We took them for their first trip two years ago. It was to be their one bucket list trip, but they absolutely loved it. They are the reason that I’m trying to keep FQ. Thanks for all your help!