New Design for Hotel Room Finder Tool

Yeah, we’ll submit it. And we have a private email, just for us, that goes to Centralized Inventory Management.

@poohfanclub Good luck with your request. Let us know how it goes, please.


That’s awesome!

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Our trip last weekend the CM could see our room request when I went to ask for a change. She saw that I requested 50s or 60s at Pop and 1-2nd floor. We arrived earlier in the day. So I think that is why we were given a room in the 80s section building 7 because it was ready at 11am.
We waited till about 3 pm to get our room assignment. This is the first time I went to request a new room and I’m glad I did!

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I’m told that arriving earlier and asking for a room will often override everything else, if your requested room isn’t ready. And that makes sense.


We were assigned a room as our Uber was pulling into Pop. I did do online check-in though. I do think arriving early triggers a room assignment if one is available.
DH, DS and I had a small debate on check-in being at 3 or as early as 3. I tried to tell them sometimes you have to wait past 3. And they argued that 3pm check-in meant we would have a room by 3pm. Please guess when I got the new room ready text :roll_eyes: I haven’t lived it down yet. But I know it can be later than 3pm at times. How I wish it was later than 3 this time.


This may be Pop specific but we always take flights that get us to resorts before 9:00 AM and I have successfully gotten my requests at Pop the last 9 trips. My requests are very broad though–I ask for any room in building 4, 5, or 6. I usually get the room isn’t ready text as soon as I arrive at Pop. The rooms my not be ready until later in the day but we go straight to the park and that’s fine.


I’m having an issue with our beloved Room Finder and I want to know if everyone else is experiencing this.

When I make in my selections on the filter on the left and hit SHOW MATCHING ROOMS, then select a room from the map, if I want to go back and select a different room, I click the link at the top that says “BACK TO ANIMAL KINGDOM KIDANI VILLAGE VILLAS”, then it brings me back to the completely unfiltered map. I have to put in my room type, floor, etc. all over again. It seems it doesn’t go back just one jump.

If I use the browser’s back button, it does go back to the last page, with my options selected. I don’t think it used to be this way. FYI and thanks for everything.


Yes!! This is sooooooo very aggravating. That is not how it worked before. My experience is the same as yours.


Agreed, but the previous version was only a pop-up window with the room view info and you closed that window. That put you back to your highlighted building. Then you could either click on another room, or click on “Back to resort hotel map.”

Now, when you click on a highlighted room to see the room view, it’s a full page, not a pop-up window. If you do the browser “back” button it essentially closes that page and puts you back at the highlighted building, where you continue the same as before.


I have the same experience. It definitely wasn’t like that before. But I just back button instead


Thank you for articulating this! I noticed it the other day when I was trying to find where my room assignment was and it was pretty frustrating, though I did eventually find it.

It would also be nice (if it’s not already a feature I couldn’t locate) to be able to search by room number.


If we are arriving around 4PM, should online check-in help this at all? We usually do not arrive until late afternoon, and I am thinking this is why we often don’t get what we requested. (Although we do often check in online.)

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I don’t know that 4pm is that late. It could just be that requests are just requests.

How are you wording them? Sometimes that makes a difference - if the assigner can’t tell what is most important to you it’s hard for them to know.

Here’s an example of what I used when I stayed at Sports Preferred several years ago.
“I would like to request:
1st priority - Surfs Up section
2nd priority - Top floor
3rd priority - Corner room”
That way they knew to first look for available rooms in Surfs Up, then see which of those were on the third floor, then see if any were corner. I ended up with Surfs Up, Third Floor, one room from a corner.

If requests aren’t prioritized, or if “no” or “not” or “non” are used (as in “no connecting door” or “not connecting” or “non-connecting”, it’s easy for those to get missed.

AND if “adjoining” is used when you do mean you want to request connecting rooms, it is always possible that you could in fact be given adjoining rooms but say that your request was not met. All connecting rooms adjoin - meaning they’re next to each other (adjoining can also be across the hall or around the corner) - but not all adjoining rooms connect. Having worked in a (not Disney) hotel, that is one of the most common request mistakes people make - using adjoining when they mean connecting.


This is one of those things where I think the practical usage should trump the technical definition. I would be willing to bet that 90+% of the time, if someone is saying adjoining, they mean connecting…and as such, should be assumed to mean that.

It would be like if I went to the doctor and said my stomach hurt, and so they didn’t even bother looking at the possibility of a burst appendix or gall bladder attack. Those aren’t technically the stomach! :laughing:

Even though I know the technical difference, I probably would still say adjoining when I mean connecting…and when I mean adjoining, I would probably just say rooms near each other.


Just saying what technical travel-speak is. If you want whoever is assigning the room to know you want an interior door connecting the rooms, you need to use the term connecting. Because if you say adjoining and get rooms next to each other but without that interior door, you cannot then say your request was not met. Because it was.


LOL, I just pretty much used the TP wording, except I requested for them not to put me in accessible room. We do not need such a room and you wouldn’t believe how many times this has happened. I guess I should have been more specific,

I’ve read that when making requests, don’t use the word “not”. The “not” often gets missed and you get assigned the “not” part of the request.

I typically get my requests met but I make very broad requests. In the additional text of my requests I usually request specific buildings, especially at Pop. In the text, I’ll put something like, “I don’t have a specific room request but would like any room in building X, Y, or Z”.

In the long run, I realized that the actual room isn’t what I really need. It’s the room in that specific location. I think about why do I really want that particular room—it’s close to the skyliner, it’s near the food court, it’s close to the Sasagoula river, or whatever–then I request that building,

Just something to consider
that making a broad request


Yeah, sorry…I didn’t mean to imply you were wrong to point out the distinguishment. I was merely pointing the annoyance of the NEED to use the proper terminology.

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I get it. :slight_smile:

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I fully believe this is what happened with my recent OKW request. I said NOT Southpoint. And I got south point. :woman_facepalming:t2:

Will know better for next time