Mulch Sweat and Shears Christmas Set

Just saw that MS&S have a Christmas program that I’d love to see. We will be in HS on Dec 8. Will it be running by then?

I just tried to research this for you, and didn’t have much luck. I did find a random website that noted Dec 22-Jan 4 as the dates for something special related to Mulch, Sweat and Tears, but it wasn’t from any sort of authoritative site. Interestingly, this Forum question came up in the first 5 hits on Google for my search, so if we figure out an answer then people who are looking for the same information will find it here! (How very meta.)

Anyway, it looks like Mulch, Sweat and Tears does have a FaceBook page, so maybe they’ll post something about this on there as we get closer to Christmas. I hope you find an answer! Sorry I wasn’t able to be more helpful.

Thank you again, @SallyEppcot! I may just have to wait and see when we get there. That’s fine… can’t plan for everything, can I, lol.

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