Mousedining vs Mousewatcher

I signed up for both. Mousedining let me have fifty active reservations versus Mousewatcher only let me have five and costs $19 to Mousedinings $9. You get what you pay for cuz I was slammed around 8am when Blue Bayou and Ogas opened for my 60 day window today but only by Mousewatchers. All is still quiet from. Mousedining and all the dinners at Blue Bayou are gone now so Mousedining isn’t gonna make the cut even if it pings me later.

So just FYI if you’re looking for a reservation finder, partícularly with touring plans being down, choose Mousewatcher.

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And the texts started at 8:21am central for those curious when Disney drops at the 60 day mark for Disneyland.

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Mouse dining came in at 858 and just as I suspected. I got pings for Ogas lunches but Blue Bayou nothing cuz they are gone gone gone.

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