Mousedining vs Mousewatcher

I signed up for both. Mousedining let me have fifty active reservations versus Mousewatcher only let me have five and costs $19 to Mousedinings $9. You get what you pay for cuz I was slammed around 8am when Blue Bayou and Ogas opened for my 60 day window today but only by Mousewatchers. All is still quiet from. Mousedining and all the dinners at Blue Bayou are gone now so Mousedining isn’t gonna make the cut even if it pings me later.

So just FYI if you’re looking for a reservation finder, partícularly with touring plans being down, choose Mousewatcher.

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And the texts started at 8:21am central for those curious when Disney drops at the 60 day mark for Disneyland.

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Mouse dining came in at 858 and just as I suspected. I got pings for Ogas lunches but Blue Bayou nothing cuz they are gone gone gone.

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Don’t they open up 8 am central? Or was there a delay? About your 8:21 am text.

They don’t check right at opening so it was probably out there a little earlier.

I was tracking 1900 Park Fare, the seemd to have held back a ton of inventory. My one free Stakeout picked up the drop immediately and Mouse Dinning didn’t until much later, which was too bad. They seem worse when it is a flood of reservations opening.

Oh really? Interesting
Thanks. I used them for wdw a few years ago with good success

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My Disneyland dining is coming up next month so I’ve been practicing and I used the free email mouse dining on practice reservations , setting it up the night before 60 days would be. It never even sent me stuff half the time. I’d go to mouse dining website and it would show nothing avail but if I went to the Disneyland app it had a ton. Very weird.

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Yeah I think they check randomly or Disney would shut them down. Like if they checked constantly like a bot can versus a human. If they behave like a bot, Disney goes all legal on 'em.

I tested both as well as TP res finder simultaneously back in Dec 22 for WDW, and my experience was largely in favor of Mousedining at the time. These were all closer to date searches, for which Mousedining simply got a lot more hits :man_shrugging:


I have been using Mousedining and get a fair handful of hits (I am not trying for a lot), but the free only goes to email and I was missing them. I upgraded to the text service and managed to snag Oga’s. My biggest problem is the Disneyland app always signs out and the sign in takes a hot second and I regularly am too late.

I will say here I am 6-12 days ahead of my trip and I am getting notices much more frequently that the first few weeks. People must be shoring up plans. The only outstanding alert I still have is Blue Bayou and I don’t really care one way or the other. My DD isn’t that into meals.


When I was snagging last min ones for my last trip I’d go log out and in every hour so I’d be ready if u got a text ha