Mobile Order ONLY?

Has this been reported elsewhere because I’m having a hard time believing it.

RixFlix said that UOR are heavily pushing the mobile ordering to the extent that the QS were not allowing walk ups and having mobile ordering ONLY.

I’ve only heard terrible things about UOR mobile ordering.
Have they improved the system overnight??

Surely this can’t be permanent and strict? I mean, what if your phone runs out of battery? Does that mean you go hungry??


We were able to use walk up last week. But I also used mobile order and it wasn’t as bad as I anticipated. Disney mobile order was still better though.


I’m thinking that was an isolated incident. They can’t just remove in person ordering from all QS. Many people will not put their CC info into the app.

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This was just yesterday.

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I hope so.

One of many reasons why they surely can’t insist on it :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Just heard though my TA that mobile ordering is coming back to UOR in a BIG way. Don’t know details other than that. I loved mobile ordering last summer and was really bummed when @GreyingMouser said he couldn’t use it on his recent/current trip. I’m happy it’s returning and hoping they have made needed improvements to it while it wasn’t available. I will look at the video later. Just wanted to confirm that I heard about this from my TA.


Someone on the disboards who is there currently is reporting this is true— several locations are mobile order only and won’t let you in until you use the app to order first.


Thanks for noting. I did read through it. Here’s one comment:

So maybe they are just testing this. There is a question that what if a person is not able to mobile order for whatever reason. Would they be let in? That hasn’t been confirmed.

What happens with a group of school kids with only cash and/or gift cards? :thinking:


We used mobile order at Leaky Cauldron and it worked fine. Saved us from waiting in those long lines to order. My complaint was that the folks who waited in the queues to order got their drinks right away while ours arrived with our food. We were hot and thirsty so that part wasn’t ideal.


And some of us have been trying to add our CC info for weeks and the app won’t accept it.


Booo :pensive:


It’s seriously annoying. I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the app and using a VPN so it looks like I’m in the US but it’s not having it.


Someone shared this on DIS boards today:

“Just back and my daughter had gift cards she was using and at Leaky Cauldron they let us go in to a separate line just for people paying with gift cards or cash. They had one register open but you had to ask, took a few extra minutes but not bad at all.”


I’m guessing this mobile order only testing has ended. I heard from a youtuber the other day that Thunder Falls was packed inside with long lines.

Share any updates if you have any.

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I will in about 30 days…!!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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