MNSSHP 2023 - List of sold out dates

There is no fast way. You either wait 3-4 hours by getting in queue before the party begins or you wait 4+ hours by getting in queue during the party. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I have also heard it is least of a hassle to get your wristband by coming in through the gates but I’ve never done it any other way so I can’t speak to it personally


My friends met them at the 9/4 party and got in line around 9pm. They said it was posted 75 mins but they were out in 45, so they probably benefited from people watching the first parade


The best advice I have heard for all characters is to go during shows. I’m trying to see the first parade so I can do M&G during the second!


So DD16 wants her friend to come last minute (of course!) and MNSSHP is of course sold out at this point. But I read this on disboards written this August and by a moderator:

Odds Of Getting Walk-Up MNSSHP Tickets? | The DIS Disney Discussion Forums -
Anyone want to take odds on this being a reality? I want to tell DD16 maybe best to not just abandon her friend to the hotel after dinner (we could always get her a day ticket for some overlap) but if there is a pretty good shot we can get her in since the rest of us (4) have tickets I could tell her she can come.

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I’ve never heard of that, personally but I hope it’s real