MK this Friday only-seeking input

Hi all! So I’ve been at UOR for five days with my teen and my new foster teen. They have had a blast. FT has never been to a theme park before, but she has done great and has discovered she loves the thrill rides! :rofl: She also loves Disney Princesses, so in addition to Epcot AH tomorrow night, I’ve added a day to our trip to go to MK on Friday. Being teens, the kids are NOT going to get up for rope drop-I’m hoping to get us there around noon after the late night before. Do these all seem possible using ILLs and Genie+?
-Tron (ILL)
-enter Fantasyland via castle if no show going on
-meet Tiana and other princess
-meet Cinderella and other princess
-Happily Ever After

Any other rides/attractions would be bonus. Parking open until 11:00 with HEA at 9:20…

No meal plans, just eat quick service/snacks using mobile order where possible and whenever kids get hungry…

Edit to add: I have input everything into the touring plans app and on the mobile site, but I am throughly frustrated trying to edit and add LLs without my laptop version to use…


Short answer–yes! I think you’ll be able to do all of that that and more.

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