MK Parade to 4pm meal at Ohana possible?

Is it possible to enjoy the MK afternoon parade and still make it to a 4:10pm dining reservation at Ohana?
Where would you watch from? Can you watch in Frontierland at the beginning of the parade and then exit the park? If so, how do you access the exit?
Alternatively, is there time to wait for the parade to arrive at the exit and still make it?
Park crowd level that day is predicted to be a 4.

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I think it would be tight but you might be able to make it. You can watch the beginning of the parade in FL and then head out through Adventureland and down Main Street. The parade will still be going so Main Street will be congested.

With the Poly, you’ll just be at the mercy of the monorail and the boats but I’d think you would be ok. I’d go for the boat option. It’s nice and relaxing. I’d imagine you’ll be able to check into your reservation for O’hana once you’re on Poly property.

^^ This. And as you exit, walk through the stores on the west side (Adventureland side) of Main St, they are all connected inside. Plus you get some air conditioning.

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And if you’re adventurous, you could always walk to Poly from MK.


Thank you everyone!!

Yes! Might be a little tight but you’ll arrive in the grace period

Town Square

Sure, but definitely not in time to get that meal. Better to park it in Town Square and see the parade, which will arrive at about 3:20, and then catch the resort ferry across to Poly (monorail will take too long, large TTC ferry might work but will leave you with a longer walk)

Yes. See above :slight_smile:

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Not for this purpose. That will take a solid 30 minutes. Too long.

Seems quicker than waiting on transportation of which you have no way to control. I am a fast walker, though. Definitely would not take me 30 minutes to make that walk.

My Auntie is like you LOL

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The good thing is the restaurants will still accommodate late arrivals of 10-15 minutes - especially if you explain your tardiness as Disney related (navigating the parade crowd, waiting in line for LL, etc.)


Am I thinking wrong here? In order to exit MK while the parade is going would a person need to be on the Tomorrowland side of Main Street? Pass along in front of Tony’s Town Square? Exit thru that tunnel?

If there’s a ferry boarding, take that and walk to Poly.

But, you can be late to the restaurant. In June 2022 we were late nearly always due to various reasons. Once over an hour. Always got seated. I tried to call that time we were so late but it seems there’s no way to call a restaurant directly?


A little.

That funnel isn’t usually open.

Best way to exit if you must while parade is going is to enter Emporium at Casey’s and walk all the way through to Town Square at the firehouse. Problem is if you don’t beat the parade there you’ll be stuck until it finishes because it goes backstage at the firehouse


Is that crosswalk kept open until the parade enters Main Street?

Yes. Which is why if you DO beat the parade there you’re fine. But if you don’t you’re screwed

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So if the parade starts at 3pm and is 30 minutes long and the beginning of it arrives in town square at 3:20, it doesn’t sound like it’s possible to watch all 30 minutes and get across the crosswalk before the parade blocks it.

But, watching from Town Square by the entrance would allow you to leave before the end of the parade if the timing looked like it wouldn’t work…

Thank you everyone!

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This exactly. Just be sure to wait for Maleficent to pass!

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@janamelia reading again this afternoon with clear eyes and a caffeinated brain I see you wrote TUNNEL not funnel :laughing:

In my next life I just want a decent pair of eyes, okay?

I thought you were suggesting the guest walk in the “funnel” (or back walkway behind the main street stores nearer to Tomorrowland). Now I see you just wanted them to walk on the other side of the street :woman_facepalming:t4:

Which might be a little challenging due to the crowd, but not impossible, and which would keep you - as you also said :woman_facepalming:t4: from needing to worry about crossing at all because you’d be near Tony’s and exit through the TUNNEL on that side

Good lord. I’m going to need a carer sooner than I thought.

I have watched the parade from close to the start, then used the Adventureland and Frontierland cut-through, entered the indoor Casey’s sitting area, cut through the stores and made it out of the park before they closed down the streets in Town Square (before the front of the parade made it that far). We were all adults, I walk very fast, I practically dragged my son , and we barely made it.

It is hard but possible.

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Maybe we can share the carer. I keep waking up. And then there’s the arthritis. :wink:
I used to get such a kick out of my granny dozing off.