Mk & mnsshp tp

Spending all day at MK and then doing MNSSHP that night. Should I make one TP including everything or should I make two? One for the day and one for the Halloween party?

I am interested to hear what others would recommend. I think that it is probably a personal choice. I would make two because they are two different “things.” (And I tend to have two plans every day - one before our break and one after our break.) But if touring plans includes the MNSSHP events within the all day touring plan then an all day plan would be fine as well.

Sorry to be no help!

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I would make one just for simplicity reasons. If you choose to make an MK plan on a day that MNSSHP is offered, the TP will ask if you were attending this event and if you click “yes” it will let you add in the party specific things.

Here is the way I did my plan for MK and MNSSHP
