Ok guys I have purchased the MM and set up the dummy account. Please email me your email addresses so I can forward that info onto you. Less than 50 days liner friends!!!
You will need to log in and add yourself as Friends/Family. Do you have anyone traveling with you that does not personally have a MDE account? Select “Add a New Guest” then “Add Through a Mutual Friend” while under Family/Friends. This will allow them to also be able to download pictures via the Magic Bands. The “dummy” account will say that they can’t view or add plans but this is okay. They just need to be showing in the “dummy” accounts Friends/Family list in order to download pics.
We have six groups in the share so the total due would be $28. Please send this to my Paypal account. The email address is cmdm333@aol.com
I have almost everyone’s email addresses except 2. Can u tell me if you are still interested in splitting the cost of the MM @disrewards@genhearts and disrewards? Also for those of you that have sent me your email address already thank you. Will anyone be staying after May 30? We have someone that would like to join but is going April 30.
I will wait two more days for the last two people then divide up the price again if no response. After that hopefully everyone will pay and ill send out the info. I am on vacation so not on as much. Happy Easter everyone!!
Still in. Sorry I’m MIA I work in accounting and we are in tax season, so work is a bit crazy right now. My email is disrewards@gmail.com. The total would be $28? I can send it to you between tonight and tomorrow morning. Thanks!!!
Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say thank you for responding to my last post. Looks like we are all set with our original 6 families. I don’t think we should do more than that. So with that said lets get started. The total price each will be $28. You can pay thru PayPal my email address is cmdm333@aol.com. As soon as I receive it I will email you the sign in information.