May the Force Be With Us: A Family Trip Report Summer 2021

I do something similar. I take a whole pill and I start taking them the day before my trip and take one every day of. Simulator rides are the most likely to give me trouble, sometimes even with less drowsy Dramamine.


Two questions:

  1. What ride is this?
  2. How early do you need to get to Ollivander’s? As discussed in previous threads, I am not fast.

Flight of the Hippogriff!

A huge kid favorite. DS(then)8 rode it 6 in a row too.


FWIW, I can’t do Star Tours. I hate jerky, screen ride attractions and get super motion sick. And Spider-Man was my favorite ride until Rise of the Resistance. There are some jerky motions every now and again but because the vehicle is actually moving forward (and not just rocking), it doesn’t affect me the way Star Tours does. If you have another day and take a Dramamine, I’d recommend trying it (maybe end of day though since your wife obviously knows you way better than I do!!)


Jeff, no need to be distracted by these sky high expectations to deliver constantly riveting content and emotional moments to more than a hundred people staring at the forum all day and night eagerly awaiting your next post for the next 9 days. Just have fun. :grinning:


Oh, I do miss the super snuggly ages of your kids! So much fun seeing all the smiles!

(On a packing break! Today was the last day…well, supposedly half-day…of school. The DS11 twins had to log in for all of 20 min. :roll_eyes: We head out tomorrow!)


DSIL and I have done Hulk and RRR. Both were fun but also jarring. Hagrid’s and VC are much more thrilling and enjoyable, in my opinion. So we’re doing VC now. :slight_smile:

DW and DBIL took the kids to Seuss Landing.

  1. flight of the Hippogriff
  2. as early as possible to get a return time. We arrived just after 8 and got a return time at 10:45am. @DeepInTheHeartofTexas said she got there at 8:30 and they were all gone? Not sure if there was standby available later. There were lots of people behind us in line who I’m sure got a return time. But I’m glad I got there when I did. Almost seems like you need EE to guarantee?

Ok I didn’t feel any pressure before but now … :joy::joy::joy:


DSIL and I in front of Hulk. Not many pictures of us tonight since we were hoofing it between rides and had to leave our phones before boarding both coasters.


The leaving the phones thing. Am I right in thinking that this is the norm for rides at UO?


I feel your pain. If I hadn’t done the virtual trip report (which forced me to do a ton of research and watch ride POV videos) I wouldn’t have had a chance. Even at the park it is so confusing. No pictures or descriptions and you can’t see the slides to know where you’re going. You have to already know. There are maps and wait time boards but they really need a clock and a way to secure your Tapu Tapu return times without physically walking to the slide.


So far it has been the case for Hulk, RRR, and VC. The other coasters you have been able to have items in your pocket. And the milder rides (Hippogriff) let you take your bags on with you.


There are a couple of hang time moments like this that are wicked awesome. (Sorry to appropriate your vernacular, @OBNurseNH.)


Yes, I think that’s it. My understanding is all the others you can have a waist pack (3 prong closure) or put them in a (preferably zippered) pocket. I’ve heard several horror stories of people either losing or almost losing their phones from non-zippered pockets. If they go into the bowels of the ride, you may not get it back for several hours or even overnight.


“Mr. DNA! Where did you come from?!”


I wish I could buy these books.


I had thought about that too. But if they made it too easy, all the return times would be longer since there would be way less time walking around.


Nicely executed!

Next time say “wicked pissah” and you’ll have made me wicked proudah you, kid! :wink:


…and also a favourite of a big kids at heart.

Flight of the Hippogriff holds many special memories with the little ones.


That first picture didn’t work right, sorry:

This is cool too. There are videos of this raptor animatronic online.

Second time through on VC was even better than the first. It was dusk so air was cool and lighting was eerie. I noticed the velociraptors throughout the ride this time. :joy: I tried to take in the details. It is such a beautifully themed coaster and a thrilling ride to boot. And so smooth! Such a stark contrast to the older coasters we rode earlier tonight. Hagrid’s is the better ride but VC is the better coaster.


Kids apparently had a blast at Seuss Landing and are finally headed to the hotel now. It’s 8:30! They had a LOOOOONG day. And the littlest was only grumpy in the morning. Amazing.