Mardi Gras Parade at Universal FL

I recently went to Universal Fl. during the time of the Madi Gras Parade. Big Surprise! Got a email asking if we wished to ride a float and throw beads during the parade because we were AP holders. Of coarse I replied YES and we received a email confirmation number. We did such and had a blast. There are three ways to ride a float. First and foremost receive a email from Universal as a AP holder. Not all get them. Second there are three restaurants that offer a float riding package, and third is via the Universal App. One hour before parade time on this app, A ride the float will appear. You must respond to it right away. First come first served situation. Many will be after them and few will get confirmation because these are for spots where others have not showed up for their confirmation and they need to fill that spot. It is very unlikely that you will get one but if you do good for you for being that quick.


Didn’t Mardi Gras end last weekend? I’m pretty sure it went thru April 16, 2023

It may have but considering it started in Feb. and the Parade was almost every day. it was a good time to go

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