Magicbands at Disney Springs?

I’m going to WDW with my brother and two nieces (7 and 9) for their first trip later this month and we are so excited!!!
I want to get magicbands for us, but I live in Canada so they will not ship them to me ahead of time. We are staying in a non-Disney rental and I don’t want to waste precious park time, so I’m considering going to Disney Springs on our arrival day to buy them.
If we buy magicbands at Disney Springs, will they set them up for us there, so we can use them without having to stop at the will-call lineup on our way into the park?
Is there a better solution that I haven’t thought of yet?

You can set them up all on your own in the MDE app. There’s a pretty easy to follow workflow that prompts you to enter the number on the back of the band and link it to someone in your account. Easy peasy!


Thank you!

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Welcome to the forums!

As @OBNurseNH said, doing it yourself is a breeze. But if you didn’t plan to hit Disney Springs, you could also just use your phone to enter the parks day of and then buy the bands inside the park if you prefer.

Have fun!

Do the bands still need charging out of the box? That may limit their usefulness the first day.

MB+ will still work for tapping in to your room, at park gates, and for charging, and they will collect your on-ride photos

They will not light up and glow and buzz - which are useless features for which they now charge $35 vs $10 or $15 - out of the box


Only those on-ride photos that you tap for. Which is most of them.

Do you feel mb+ isn’t worth the upgrade? I have a regular band. Was thinking of doing a $25 one prearrival price.

I do feel it’s NOT worth the expense

I agree with @OBNurseNH. I got one for our last trip at the discounted price for onsite guests as a trial, but found I didn’t care about the advanced features…plus is wasn’t as comfortable to wear. If I were to get any more now, I would just get a MB2 instead. But we have plenty, so not really a need.

Thanks for the input. For the 2 of us it’s $50-70 so that’s a big expense. I’m a little bitter it isn’t included with a deluxe stay. I’m skipping the add on.


Can you still get MB2? I’ve looked a few times and never seen them.

You could in December but the selection is shrinking more and more all the time.

It really makes me angry

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There were several MB2 choices available via your resort stay. I just looked a couple days ago. You have to scroll toward the end to see them.

Here is what I see right now…


Thank you! I’ve read that magicmobile can be unreliable, have you ever had any issues with it?
We will have two kids with us, I know we can set up their tickets in one of the adults’ phones. Will the magicbands work interchangeably with magicmobile?

Yeah, the new policy of nickle-and-diming guests for every little thing is infuriating. I have been going every 4-5 years for the past 20 years and I remember when all the magic was included in the cost of your package. Now, they have effectively priced us out of their resorts and some of their attractions. I guess they don’t want us riffraff anymore lol. Luckily, the adults have regular MB from previous trips so we only have to buy for the kids.

True. Neither my wife nor I could get Magic Mobile to open our room doors. She has iPhone, I have Android. So we just used our Magic bands.

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So true. I miss the magical express the most. I don’t always stay on property, even less now that so much is gone.

Awww RIP magical express :sob:
Those were the days. You would step off the plane and into the disney bubble, knowing disney would take care of everything.

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