Magic Bands + Apple Watches

First trip with our kiddos and current plan is to get magic band plus for each of them, and DH and I will just use our Apple watches. Will that work OK? Any issues I might be missing? (Will get additional fasteners for magic bands-know they are faulty)


Are you staying in a Disney-owned hotel? Magic bands will open the doors, but Apple Watches won’t. Also you can’t charge to your room on an Apple Watch.

In the parks, the Apple Watch works fine (park admission, Lightning Lanes). It doesn’t trigger the fun interactions like the personalized tour poster at Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster, but those are few and far between.

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We are not staying on site, so won’t need it for opening hotels. Again, our thought is for us adults to use our apple watches, and let our kids have fun with the magic band interactions. Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing any issues with us using two different types of devices.


You’ll be fine with a mix of MBs and Watches.


I would recommend not setting up MagicMobile for your kids, just for yourselves, as the only time I’ve run into problems was when I had my son’s set up and my own (sometimes it would scan one of us twice and the other person not as well.)

Otherwise, it works great and you’ll have a great time!

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I’m wear both an Apple Watch (with MM enabled) …and a MB+ :rofl:


Me too!