Magic band plus question - reassigned? New vs. old?

DH and I are taking DDs 14 and 11 on DCL in September, so I bought the girls and I each new magic bands. I guess I need to assign them to their profiles on MDE, correct?

Well - can bands be assigned and then reassigned? I was wondering if I should let my older girls wear them to MNSSHP next week so that we could get ride photos? Is there any reason my older girls would need Magic Bands during the party?

No, magic bands cannot be reassigned.

They will need a card to get in to the party. The MB+ will pick up the on ride photos. If you are with them during the party and in the same ride vehicle, pictures will pick up. Otherwise, have your iphones set to sharing location always for MDE. Ride photos should pick up that way as well, but …Disney IT.

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I just have barcodes on my phone?

Thank you for explaining.

Do old magic bands work for ride photos after you get off and for photopass?

The bar code on your phone won’t work. You’ll need to set up magic mobile on your iphone and put tickets in your apple wallet. The easiest thing to do would be to get the hard ticket from the hotel front desk. It will be connect to MDE and they can tap in to parks and open the room door with those.

An old magic band might work for long range pictures if it’s less than a year to 18 months old. When the battery dies on those they can no longer pick up photos. They would work to tap in to a park but not for the long range things.


Thank you. All the more reason for me to come a day early and have them print cards. :wink:

And then those card will work for photopass?

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For direct tapping but not for long range.

Do they have their own MDE accounts and a smart phone? If so, they can set up magic mobile and have the settings for MDE set to “always share location” so the attractions without photo taps (Tron, HM, SDMT, Pirates) can attempt to get the photo.


Phone, yes - own accts, no.
I guess I’ll assess if they think they’ll be riding on their own.
I do expect we will separate while one meets Jack and Sally, and I’ll want her to be able to get photo done.

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They have cards at the front desk. They scan them and assign them to the individual. It might take 90 seconds. I’ve done that when I do my girls trips with two friends who don’t have magic bands. I just get them the cards at the front desk for tapping in to the parks, LL and VQ and for getting in the room.


No no no
I need a day early for this!


If she is alone for Jack and Sally, the photopass photographer can tap her card or magic band.


Thanks for helping!

Happy to help!! I hope you have a great time and that everything works out so that you still get to go.


On so many levels, I want that too. :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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I think for photopass you can get a plastic card from photographer, right. That way you can link photos to your account.

Agreed. I don’t even think it would work day of anyway. :wink: That what I read on the internet so it must be true.


At one time, the military photo thingy worked day of, while the regular one said buy days before you wanted to use it.
This never made sense to me. :upside_down_face: