Next week we should have test versions of the apps for Disneyland and Universal, and are looking for volunteers to help test it out. iOS will be first, but also volunteer if you have Android. Being in the parks wont be necessary since all the data is old/fake on a test server
If you’d like to help, send me your email that you use for your Apple account, or Android account, and what phone model & operating system you have.
What we’re testing:
We’ve re-written the interface and backend code (since many libraries we used on the WDW app were too old to re-use), so we’d like for everyone to test as much as they can. Make sure all text looks right, all features the previous Lines app would have are there, and all things like optimizing, submitting wait times, etc, work as expected. We’ve also added a dark mode, so feel free test in light or dark mode
The app will be connected to the test database, so the data will just be sample data. So if crowds, or park hours, or wait times dont look correct, that’s fine. Also it means you can test out the Lines chat on there, but it wont show up in the normal Lines chat
Also, if your account is newer, you might need to sign up on the app, and “purchase” a subscription. Since this will be on Test Flight for iOS, it should be a fake purchase that doesnt require you to put in a credit card number or use apple pay.
You might want to post this on the Disneyland forum and chat. There are a lot of people on chat for Disneyland that are heavy users of the current app that might be willing to do testing. I don’t use a lot of the functions on the Lines app for Disneyland, but can test chat and timing wait times. I’m an Apple user. I’ll figure out how to message you with the info you need.
Just got back from Disneyland using the older app, I wont be back at the parks but I’m happy to test and compare to the experience using it last month. I’m on Android 14 Oneplus 12R
@daybreaker, will the “my chats” sections of the new apps work the same way as the wdw app?
Right now I can still see all of my chats (DL, WDW, and Uni) by looking at my chats in the Uni app. The wdw “my chats” rarely opens for me, and when it does open, it will only allow limited chats. (Usually stops at 20).
It will only show the chats for the current property, but I also took out the “never ending scroll” because like you experienced, it often breaks and only loads 20 chats. The new one will go back to using pages
@daybreaker I am sorry to bother you again. Will you also update the WDW app to add pages? Will the pages go back to a liner’s first chat?
Editing to add since if you are working on the other apps, maybe it is a chance to address something else that changed with the new WDW app? Currently, on the Uni and DLR app only paid members can post in chat. The WDW app allows all registered users (like this forum). It may not be obvious but there are TP users that are not planning trips but renew in order to keep chat. It may not be impacting TP too much now, but could it?
The new Disneyland app is so dang good. I never use Disneyland but happened to see a " new app" on my phone and realized it was there.
The dark mode, is everything I could have wanted on wdw app.
When replying to a post showing the original & last post is super useful and helpful, I can only dream that the wdw app gets an awesome update like this