LL Guardians question

Good morning everyone!
How early do the Individual Lighting Lanes run out for Guardians.
On Christmas day I was hoping to get LL for Avatar first and then get one for Guardians for later in the day.

Do these run out in the space of minutes or seconds?


I did not look for late afternoon, but on a regular day recently I booked an ILL for 9:40 at park opening (I was staying off site).


Do you know if you can modify ILLs? Or should one keep refreshing until you get a time later in the day?


You cannot modify but in the morning you should be able to pick an hour and then see all times available during that hour. For example, you scroll to 4pm and then see all the times available between 4-5.


Luckily ILLs are like the old FPP where you can choose your time. I find the ones earlier in the day run out first, so you should have an easier time getting one later in the day. I also find that because of the VQ, Guardians ILL run out slower than the other ILL with no VQ.


If you have 7 am access you should have no issue. I have gotten ILLs after 9 am when it opens to everyone.

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