Today was another amazing disney day. After sleeping in a bit, we headed to HS for our frozen summer fun premium package. We got some photo pass pictures that I can’t seem to download to my ipad and checked in near min & bills dockside diner. The parade was great fun and it wasn’t too hot today. After that it was time for TSMM (I won my family by a landslide) and then walked through one man’s dream. We thought about doing star tours but the standby was long (it was a 6 crowd day with evening emh but it was the only way I could fit the frozen festivities into our calendar). DS made a light saber instead. I love love love that they tape the ends and tell the kids not to whip them around in the park. Saved me a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, that didn’t hold up well back in the room.
After that we headed back and grabbed a light lunch at the marketplace. DS loved the quinoa and vegetable wrap and I was thrilled he wasn’t eating junk. Then it was time for storm along bay. We had another quick bite at hurricane Hannah’s (didn’t love it, by the way) and got ready to go back to HS.
Back at HS, it was time to take advantage of my creative FPP plan. Once we weren’t going to make rope drop, I scheduled two FPP early in the morning so they would expire. After TSMM at around 11:30, I was able to get a RnR for 5:25 so that was DS first ride. He was a little nervous. He had never been on an upside down roller coaster before and he clutched my hand with white knuckles the entire ride and then announced it was amazing and wants to do it again and again. Success! Off to the frozen sing along (which was awesome) we messed around trying to figure out what to do in a crowded park with too few attractions (I’m biased I guess. HS is not my favorite park) and did the atoduio backlot tour. I haven’t done that in almost twenty years. It was pretty different from what I remember it it was interesting enough.
we left there to go to the frozen fireworks dessert party. This was a qualified success. I liked it. The dance party with the characters was fun so we went out to do a little of that. The desserts were really sweet. I know that seems like something I should have expected but it was on the cloying side. This is evidenced by the fact that DS6 said (at 8:45): I don’t want to wait for the fireworks. I’m hungry and I don’t want these desserts. I just want to go back to the beach club and get another one of those vegetable wraps. Wow. I never thought I’d hear those words come out of his mouth. And it’s only day #2. I may have to scale back the treats a bit.
We eventually made it to the fireworks with a combination of soda (phew-he’s still a kid) and an extra long bathroom break. The fireworks were pretty amazing. I’ve never seen any at HS before but these were immersive and told a story. The timing on them was spot on and the weather was great for them. The stage did block some but we saw a lot and I was satisfied. We took a higher table right near the rope on the Hollywood boulevard side as far back (away from the stage) we could get. I highly recommend that location. The lower front tables probably missed most of the central blasts. We could still see the stage well enough that I didn’t have to hold DS up (thank goodness-he’s 50lbs now).
Totally non eventful after that. Just took the boat back to the resort and got one of those quinoa wraps. After scarfing down most of that he crashed and I’m about to do the same.
AK in the morning. I love that park and it will be our first character meal of the trip. Let’s hope I can get everyone up and out at a reasonable time.