Live-ish trip report: 7 nights at Copper Creek

That’s great!!

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Ooo oh good to know! We will be there in between parties as well, so I booked the dessert party as a special treat. Bummer to hear it’s so crowded, but thanks for the tip!


How heartening to see wisdom in one so young. That is always a most operative statement.


Hah! Yeah — my mama raised me right. I well know of the delights of a good cocktail. :sunglasses: And Trader Sam’s is just too much fun.


We had the best safari ever this morning! Somehow we usually never get to see the lions, but this morning there was a lady lion sacked out on one of the rocks, and a dude lion napping nearby! We also got to see two of the hippos passed out on land. They’re so chubby! (I mean… they’re ruthless killers. But cute chubby ruthless killers!)

It seems like everyone was out on full display today. We even saw two emus trying to get in to one of the service trucks. It was a great morning! We decided to go on a quick DVC tour before going to AK, and we got 4 FPs each, plus some Disney gift cards. Then they took us in a van directly to AK— a nice perk! I ran in to catch the end of my FP time for FOP (DF decided it was too thrilling for him today so he skipped it). Then we hopped on the aforementioned amazing safari, got a Simba pretzel (wtf why are they over $6?!), and ambled out of the park. We didn’t stay long — I walked 28,551 steps yesterday and my feet are noooooot pleased with me today. Thank god for moleskin.

Tonight is V&A’s, so we’re back at WL just chillin’. I’m reading by the Boulder Ridge pool, and I hope DF is napping (if you’re reading this, Keith, you’d better have napped already!). I’m excited for our fancy dinner in a few hours!! If you want a detailed post on the menu, lemme know. :slight_smile:


THIS is a dang good question. :cry:

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Were they for specific attractions or were you only able to book what was available?

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you’re doing all the cool stuff


They’re anytime FPs! Not able to use them on Peter Pan, 7DMT, Pandora, or TSL, alas. But we’re staying more in MK for our last two days so it’ll be handy to have there.


This was planned as our big blowout trip, so we figured we’d really go for it. It’s… perhaps slightly bananas. But what’s the point of life if you don’t enjoy it, right?


I think it’s great…not bananas


I take it it’s the first time you’ve been there?

I last went in 2003, when I was, well… a fair bit younger. So it’s almost like going for the first time!

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Should you be feeling a little intimidated, don’t be. The enormous fellow at the door, the one built like an offensive lineman, is the maitre d’, and is quite the gentleman and not at all scary. And the servers have to be the least pretentious people connected to fine dining I’ve ever met. I expect you’ll be quite thrilled.

I mean, if they repeatedly extend a warm welcome to a degenerate local like yrs. trly., they must be saints.


And yes can’t wait to hear how it is!

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hippos! just the best. have a great dinner at V&A’s!

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Well, Victoria and Albert’s was, predictably, sublime. We’re back now, stuffed to the gills with the most delicious food and wine. I’ll recap the menu later, when I’m not on the verge of falling fast asleep. It was indeed as good as you all say it is. It’s just as wonderful (if not more) as any top-notch (that autocorrected to tip-bitch, wtf iphone) restaurant in New York City. And as an NYC resident, I admit I’m a slight bit of a food snob. That was an absolutely sublime meal, with impeccable service. Ahhh.

Tomorrow we’re doing morning EMH at the Magic Kingdom, and then the evening at Batuu. This has been such a lovely trip. Don’t make me go home!!!


I didn’t see an enormous fellow! Our maitre d’ was a lovely young woman from Paris…

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The rain never bothered us anyway :musical_note:

We braved some morning rain to have a leisurely morning at the Magic Kingdom. We rode the Main Street vehicles up to the castle, then rode, between 8:30 and 10:30:

  • Peter Pan (18 minute wait)
  • iasw (the walk-on-iest of all walk ons)
  • Buzz Lightyear x2 (pretty close to a walk-on)
  • People Mover
  • Astro Orbiter (20 min wait, but we’d never gone on it so we figured it was a good time)

Then we hiked over to brunch at the crystal palace — the food was fine, but we were there to meet Eeyore, aka DF’s spirit animal. It was preeeetty great.

Then we rode the Jingle Cruise and Splash Mountain with our anytime FPs, played another round of SOTMK (so fun!), and now we’re headed to DS to get a specific DuckTales shirt for DF.

More in a bit!


Hate to see this come to an end for ya, been fun following along