🦡 Last minute trip booked — Now featuring LIVE TRIP REPORT!

I just thought it was a conversion problem :woman_shrugging:


How much is @JuliaMc paying you?

Right. That’s it. You’ve brought this upon yourselves.

Some history.

I have made twelve trips to Orlando since I started in 2017. They were in:

August 2017
June 2018
December 2018
July 2019
December 2019
October 2021
February 2022
March 2022
June 2022
December 2022
March 2023
June 2023

So five of my trips have been during the summer. This will not be my first rodeo. Yes, it is hotter and more humid than we ever get in the UK. By a large margin. And, yes, my June 2022 trip is widely regarded as having been a (partial) disaster, but that’s because I had COVID during the trip and stayed in bed in my room for 48 hours. My recollection is that my June 2023 trip was one of my best ever.

I’ve said many times before that one of the attractions of visiting Orlando is how physically different it is to being in the UK. I like the feeling of not being in Kansas any more. (Are y’all appreciating all the US cultural references I’m making?)

Equally I am aware that the heat and humidity can be debilitatingly unpleasant, which is why the focus of today’s posts is finding ways to mitigate this. I am very much alive to the risks and am actively planning to minimise the misery.

What other options do I have? I have to get away — and soon — or I swear I’m going to lose it. I need a proper break. And do I really need to justify to you people of all people why my choice is Orlando? The pre-planning notwithstanding, once you are actually there it is just so easy. Everything is laid out for you. And, as a solo traveller, there is the comfort of knowing that there will be fun, friendly people to talk to and interact with.

Pre-2017 I specialised in city breaks, but I grew tired of them. Once you’ve seen a dozen galleries, you’ve seen them all. And it can be really quite lonely if you go, you know, on your own.

I’m not in the mood for discovering somewhere new. I want somewhere comforting and familiar.

And remember: in August, I am doing a city break — to New York, with the gaggle. (Where, incidentally, the weather will be hot and humid and awful.)

Let’s focus on solutions, people. Not problems.


For the reecord, I knew you knew how hot it feels like, I just assumed it was a Celsius to Ferinheit conversion problem. Like me syaing how much something weighs in stones. I might as well guess what it weighs in Hufflematts.

But my mistake ignores the history that you lived in the US for long enough to know your Ferinheit.


But you said:

and I will not rest until I have the best best neck fan.


I probably understand Fahrenheit temperatures better than Celsius ones. The Celsius scale is all squashed up. The Fahrenheit scale seems to conveniently split itself into well-defined groups of ten: 70s lovely (for Britain), 80s still pretty nice but pushing its luck, 90s moving towards and into actively unpleasant, 100s now you’re just being silly.


I meant our previous one was a lanyard style that hung in front. The new one wraps around the back of your neck and blows air all around.

Look for one that is NOT a lanyard style.


This is so true :joy:


Ah. Got it. Thank you.

I wonder how much I’d tolerate either style. In my endless searching for the perfect bag, I’ve realised I hate things on my shoulder. So those fashionable crossbody bags just don’t work for me.

Though, I did discover that I really like backpacks. But might the straps interfere with a neck fan?

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:shushing_face: I’ll never tell!

This is something so many people miss!

Right, right. Back on task!
Movies might not have the most extravagant pool but I wouldn’t discount taking a mid day break. I’m going for a long weekend in a few weeks, staying at music (unless I switch to FQ but more $$). I do plan on a pool break. They have a bar too. I know you’re not a big drinker but I am :joy: (well maybe not to some people on the threads, lol, but on vacation I’ll have a few drinks or more).

I think I’m .8 or .85 Hufflematts? :thinking: I don’t know because it’s consider rude to ask how many Hufflematts someone weighs…

I will find a link to the one I bought. I have 2 different ones. One is a little better than the other.


If it helps, I weigh 1 hufflematt.

(I’m adopting the same convention as is used for SI units: when someone’s name is used as a unit, it does not take a capital letter when written out in full. Thus 1 newton, 1 joule, 1 ohm and so on. The more you know.)


But I can’t say that the people in the picture are always tolerable, either style :joy:


I wouldn’t worry too much about the KTTK tour. We had the 8:30a tour on a hot day and there were enough shady or indoor parts that I don’t remember the heat being an issue until the tour finished. Of course then I wanted a nice indoor break but IIRC you will be looking to watch the parade so you might need to plan a nice cold break after that.

As much as I hate the taste of hydration powders, I’ve come around and will not go to Orlando without them now. I water them down to make them tolerable.


Ahh, very true, very true.


The picture does help me understand that a neck fan would probably not interfere with the straps on a backpack.


A nice place for shade is by Country Bears.

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But what if the name of the person doesn’t actually start out capitalized? “hufflematt” is lower case…so does the unit then BECOME capitalized?

Why does the world have to be so complicated.


Despite being a scientist (?) I am also an old person (I am technically in receipt of retirement benefits) and so I measure myself in imperial units: feet and inches for height, and stone and pounds for weight.

If someone tells me their height in centimetres or their weight in kilograms, I have no idea what they’re talking about.

I remember when I taught at a US prep school that the boys weighed themselves in dollars and cents, as in “I weigh a buck sixty”.


They don’t I normally wear the backpack. I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to the backpack possession. Never an issue.


You could say the about anyone on these forums.


I don’t want to give any spoilers for KTTK but other than a couple of short breaks and a couple of rides, you are standing, walking the entire time. When @StinsyLinson and I went it was in the low 80s and by the end I was tired and ready for ac. Even a shady spot won’t feel cool when you’re already overheated.