Just got back from WDW, and it's looking pretty run down lately

Wow. That’s a huge disappointment!


This happens on many Omnimover style rides not because of anything wrong, but because they have to accommodate someone boarding or getting off who, for example, might need to do a wheelchair transfer.

But I definitely hear you about things not being as well maintained. What’s with the ROTR running eternally in B mode for so many effects now, such as the cannons scene? Fix the cannons already!


My understanding is the cannons are permanently on B mode. They were too often the cause of downtime.


Then they need to modify the ride so that your vehicle doesn’t stop in the middle of the area for no reason, back up for no reason, and then proceed. My adult son rode it the first time last year with me, and he asked why in the world the vehicle did that. It made nonsense to him. When I explained how the cannons were supposed to operate, he understood.

But it is a shame, because those cannons were possibly my favorite moment of the entire ride when it first opened.


Lol then the ride timing wouldn’t work out for the next scene. :sweat_smile:

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Sure it would. Just have the ride go through that section slower, but without unnecessary stopping! They can time it so it exits the room the same.

Moving more slowly would also allow time for riders to watch some of the battle taking place outside.


Well my understanding is that the cannons are still firing, just not kicking back. So we’re still stopping to avoid blaster bolts.

Just rewatched it on video… Nope. Just stopping for no apparent reason. Nothing going on with those cannons suggests there is any need to stop and back up briefly.

It is just a dumb movement moment now. At least there is the battle going on outside to serve as a distraction. (But, as I said, my son was perplexed by it on his first ride, since he didn’t know what it was originally like.)


I have yet to get A mode- B mode THREE times :sob:
Can I pay extra for A mode? Please take my money Disney.

But that’s not already programmed into the ride… I guarantee they chose the solution with the least cost and eliminated the ride downtime associated the cannon movements.

I totally agree. But I am just wishing they would change the scene to flow better if they KNOW they aren’t planning on fixing the cannons.

At least the Yeti got Disco lights!


Apparently there is a little known design principal at Imagineering - Sans-Can-Yeti


I thought it was this but when I went in 2018 it felt like it was a “once every 10 minutes” occurrence, but when I went last week it happened every minute OR LESS on BLR and PPF.

It COULD be something else, but still think most likely related to loading and unloading issues. I have seen this frequently.

As far as how often it happens is entirely circumstantial. For example, with PPF, which is only a few minutes long, if someone has already boarded and is riding before you got on, and then someone boards after you get on who needs help, then you will experience stops twice during your ride…once while the first person unloads, and the second time while the second person loads.

Now…having said that, we did experience a case on Spaceship Earth where we got all the way to the top in the room with the stars, and then stopped there for over 30 minutes. That was definitely a case of something gone wrong. (Reports were someone dropped something and they had to stop the ride to make sure it wasn’t interfering with the ride mechanism.)


No actual data but sometimes I feel as if the omnimovers are going a bit faster than at other times. I’ve had trouble getting out of a ride car and I know they have had to slow it down for me on occasion. And I don’t have any technical mobility issues. Just the early signs of getting older. I can imagine how often they have to stop it.

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I’m sorry! I did feel bad for describing them like that. But I have to relay this one experience that I hope will explain why it felt that way to me.
This was the bathroom near Connections at the front of Epcot, Jan 31, we were waiting in line for a stall and several stalls were open but no one wanted to use them (because they were covered in urine and wet tp) and a woman came in with a young boy (maybe 3 or 4 yo?) and just shuffled past the line saying “sorry, we’re just going to use the sink” as she passed us.
And then, she hoisted him up on the counter and made him pee in the sink. The attendant just stared straight ahead, probably imagining herself on a deserted island beach, far, far away.

So, yeah. I feel for the bathroom attendants, and I hope things get better for them. It’s not their fault that people are gross. But they are all just standing there with a broom and dustpan, certainly not the kind of cleaning equipment they need to deal with what the guests are dishing out right now.
I really don’t think people would behave that way if the bathrooms were clean and plentiful enough to serve the number of people they let in.


This was my favourite scene when I first rode ROTR too, and in 2020 I gushed about this ride to everyone who would listen to me: Next Level! Amazing Experience! Must Do!

But this time it really was not the same. Before we could embark, they made us buckle up, tug on the belts, hands up, unbuckle, stand up, sit down and rebuckle 4 times before we could go. I’m guessing a sensor issue? Kind of took the CMs out of character and ruined the immersiveness. My party was less impressed with the overall experience, and maybe a little mystified by my evangelizing.


I used to hear about people letting themselves out of the rides and think “idiot, it’s dangerous to just climb out of your vehicle, be patient and trust the cast members to sort it out” but after this last visit, I have more sympathy. When you’re expecting to wait 45 minutes and you end up waiting 90 minutes, and your kid has to pee, then the ride stops, and you have no idea how long it will be stopped for…


I miss the old Fastpass system, I don’t really understand why LL doesn’t work as well. Maybe since FP was free, I was willing to play the game and didn’t notice the operational issues? I still don’t really understand why they didn’t just start charging for FP…

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Yeah, I realized shortly after posting this that I am pretty late to the game here. Since my last visit was pre-pandemic, the changes maybe seemed more pronounced to me, but now I’ve discovered the wonderful world of complaining about Disney online! And I’m catching up lol