June 2024 Trip

Hi! We are going back to WDW early June. Still working on park tickets/airfare but I already secured 2 awesome Savannah view 1-bedrooms at AKL Kidani June 1-8 through a timeshare transfer. It will be Dh, Dd10 and my MIL65. We are taking MIL since she has never been to WDW and the extra 1 bedroom is for her (and hopefully DD some nights) so we are paying for 4. This is to celebrate DD10s birthday (in April).

I’m here to introduce myself and say hi! I was a TP member when we went to WDW in 2021 and DD and I were Magic Key holders in CA until last summer. So I’m very familiar with Genie + but I know WDW is a whole different animal so I’d love any advice/help! I’ve been lurking a bit so I found out about BG1 and stacking but it looks like I have a lot to learn.

Right now tentative plan is getting a rental car and doing a 3 day + water park. We are also doing Discovery Cove. We will skip HS unless we get the hopper (which I’m really leaning toward). With the flights/time difference we realistically have 6 days there.


They have a couple different threads regarding Genie+.
At the top of the Advanced Genie+ thread there are links to the other threads.
I would check all of them out. The lead posts are kept up to date. For the most current info I would start at the end and work your way back. Also, we are all kinda of expecting an announcement very soon regarding changes to Genie+. Disney just hasn’t given an exact timeline or the exact details regarding these changes. It’s all speculation and educated guesses at thia point.

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Thank you so much! I hadn’t looked at that thread yet.

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