It all started with a Bounceback. Quick trip report

Hi liner friends!

I’m at the Nashville airport about to head to my favorite place! After my trip in April, I called and found a great bounceback offer for one night club level at BWI. Original plan was to fly out early Wednesday morning and then come home late Thursday night for a super fast solo trip. I felt I could justify the cost of club level by getting two days worth of food and drinks for my one night stay.

Then ap previews for Tiana’s were announced and my BFF who also has an AP decided to come with me. But she doesn’t like super early flights so we changed to Tuesday evening vs Wednesday morning. We are flying southwest and got on a standby list for a 1:20 flight. We are cleared for this flight (yay) but it is now delayed one hour due to weather in Florida (boo). So here we sit at the gate hoping for no further delays.

My friend had Hilton points so we are staying near Disney springs tonight and hope to catch dinner and the drone show. Then we will head to BWI for breakfast in the morning at the club level and hope our room is ready early. Other plans tomorrow are very loose…… Epcot for ap magnet, gotg, and other meandering. Rest late afternoon and club level dinner. EEH at magic kingdom.

Thursdays plans include trying for Tiana and Tron. Flight home isn’t until 915 pm so the day could take us anywhere. Will utilize the club level food for breakfast and dinner again.

Lots of rain in the forecast so we’ll see what actually happens.


Boarded. This flight is over an hour late but so is the originally booked one. So we’ll be landing a little after 5 Orlando time instead of a little after 9. I’ll take it!


Ooooo what’s fun trip!! Wish I did a bounce back! Next time— can’t wait to hear about your club level experience!


Can’t wait to follow along!


On the ground. Let’s goooooo!


Made it to our room near Disney springs. We had a 9:30 Jaleo Dreams That Soar reservation but cancelled it. Not sure if the drone show happens in the rain but if it does we’ll just watch from somewhere nearby.

So now we are settling in a bit and then will wander over to find dinner. Maybe Polite Pig? Or Eet?


What a lovely evening. It was a ten minute walk to DS. We checked boathouse, and they had no availability. Then walked over to Wine Bar George and were sat instantly. Shared apps, had a drink, and it was perfect. Skip the flaming cheese. It gets really hard after it cools.

We then were herded across the entirety of DS to the house of blues, and then shepherded to a very wet and grassy area for the drone show. Asked a cast member how early we should have arrived to get a better spot, like closer to Jaleo, and were told 7:45-8:15. At 8:52 there was an announcement that it was delayed, and it was drizzling, so we left and got cookies at Summerhouse. As we passed back by the balloon, they announced that the show was about to start. It started around 9:15, and we had a near perfect view. We were not allowed all the way to the water but we were able to stand and see about 90% of the drones without being hedged into the crowds. Don’t know if this would work on a night without a delay, though. I am really glad we didn’t stay on the soggy grass.

I took zero pictures. Will try to do better tomorrow with photographic evidence.

And I am so impressed with how so many of you can live trip report, add photos, answer questions, etc. Kudos!!! I know I love to read them, and am trying to participate with my own, but it’s hard to do “in the moment”

Our plan for tomorrow is to get to BWI by 645 to drop bags, check in, and have breakfast at 7, then head to Epcot. Looking forward to all of the “free” food and snacks with the club level.


Unbelievable. We got to BWI a little before 7 and Our Room Was Ready!!! We walked in at 7:59:30, got our BG1 for GOTG and LL for frozen, and left our bags and headed to breakfast. I am adding pictures of the breakfast offerings, but they are ample. And delicious. And no waiting involved. Just walk in and fill a plate.

In a few minutes we’ll walk over to Epcot for early entry and Remys. I am fully expecting to be soggy until lunchtime but I can see the sun peeking through the clouds right now. I am fully feeling the Disney Magic.






That is an awesome breakfast spread! We stayed concierge in Coronado towers once and the offerings were nothing like that. Have a fun day!


We had a wonderful Epcot morning. No rain. But overcast and breezy and I didn’t feel too hot until after about noon. I got One Way or Another both times on GOTG which makes 5/6 times the last three trips.

But our beautiful bubbles got popped by some reality… My dd17 was at a camp this week and woke up with a fever this morning. Thankfully my DH can get her picked up but I hate to be away and unable to help. And my friend got word that a dear friend of hers had some sudden and terrible life changing news. So we have been a little sad and a lot distracted. I will try to do standby on an earlier flight home tomorrow. And my dd is fine and this gives my dh a chance to be the good dad he is. (They have not gotten along well through her adolescence but are in an okay space now. They are both very much alike and super sensitive to one another in a prickly way.)

All that to say… I have loaded up with snacks and a coke and a lemonade (that I added a little bit of vodka to) and am heading to HS while my friend heads to the pool. We’ll have dinner at the club level later and then MK for EEH. Since I’ll leave early tomorrow I want to soak up every minute I can while I’m here.


Well! I am obviously not a great live trip reporter. I am home now and here’s the quick summary-

Yesterday, we ate club level dinner (meatball sliders, a shrimp/polenta dish, meat, cheese, raw veggies, etc. All was tasty and plentiful enough for a meal. Club level also offers all the wine and beer you want but we aren’t big drinkers. It would definitely help offset the cost if we were! They will even give you a very generous pour to take to the pool in the afternoon.

After dinner I went to MK and rode some rides I’d stacked and just wandered around trying to enjoy myself but truthfully with a sick kid at home and my friend’s bad news, it was hard to stay in the moment.

This morning we woke up early and got BG1 for Tiana’s and Tron, ate the club level breakfast, and headed to MK. We loitered around Tiana’s at opening but soon realized it wasn’t anywhere near ready and headed to Tron. Rode some other things, hung around, snacked, and Tiana’s was called around 11:40. We got in line at 11:50 and were off by 12:30. All in all I liked it. Cute and catchy music, fun drop, nice animatronics. We got drenched in the front row of a log. The couple behind us only got splashed and stayed pretty dry.

After that, we had lunch at Kona cafe, and had a friend in a dvc villa there that let us clean up, and I headed to MCO.

After finding out my Dd was sick, I put myself on a southwest same day standby for a flight at 5:50 instead of 9:10. All day long there was zero availability and I was 5th on the list but I miraculously got on the flight. All flights were crazy full due to the flooding in southern Florida. Some people had been trying to get home from Miami for 2 or 4 days and ended up driving or riding the Brightkine to Orlando to try to get home. I felt bad for them.

It was good to hug my kid. She ended up testing positive for flu b. Hopefully she’ll feel better over the next few days.

Sadly, I do not have another trip planned for WDW but my annual pass doesn’t expire until December so I’m sure I’ll figure something out in the next few months.


Same here! The only trip I have is a Halloween/ Birthday trip. My AP expires very end of November. I might end up there at some other point too,lol.


Thanks for sharing your trip. Hope your dd recovers quickly and you can squeeze in another trip before your AP expires.