Is this realistic for a short UOR visit?

Tossing around with DW the possibility of a short UOR trip the Sunday and Monday before Thanksgiving.

We haven’t been to UOR in 10 years so looking for some input.

We would stay at one of the Deluxe so would have Express Passes.

Is the following realistic to experience in 1.5 days the Sunday and Monday before Thanksgiving? Or do I need to cut down the list. This would be a rushing around to experience trip and not a “take things in” type trip (and we would skip Hagrid’s since no Express)

Sunday before Thanksgiving: Arrive at Studios around 1:00 pm after lunch with Express Pass.

Despicable Me
Meet Minions
Fast & Furious
Escape from Gringotts
Men in Black
Kang and Kodos
Meet Transformers

Monday before Thanksgiving: All day at IOA with Express Pass.

Cat in the Hat
Meet Suess Characters
High in the Sky Trolley
Forbidden Journey
Jurassic Park River Adventure
Raptor Encounter
Pteranodon Flyers
Meet Spiderman


I feel that for whatever reason it’s actually easier to get through a lot of rides quickly at IOA with Express Pass than it is at USF so I might be tempted to switch your full and half days.

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I could do that. Maybe it would make sense to pay extra for park-to-park so I’d have some options the second half of Monday.

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Will you have children with you that will allow you to ride this?

I think over the two days you could do all of those rides but I would consider a 2 park ticket to experience the train in both directions.

I think you can do your IoA plan in less than a day.


Yes, my kids will be 9 and 7 at the time the trip (and both under 50").


The park to park tickets are great at Universal. We’ve found that we can knock out most of IOA in the morning using Early Entry and then it’s fun to take the Hogwarts Express over to USF. And it lets you adjust plans to spend more time in areas you enjoy most.


The weekend before Thanksgiving is a 6 and 7 on the crowd calendar so Express will do well for you. That attraction line up looks doable, but remember there are several holiday things happening then like Grinchmas that takes up a lot of time. If you can do try and do Hagrid, it’s wonderful.


With this attitude & UXP you should be fine. I would recommend seeing The Who-liday Grinchmas Spectacular - you’ll already be in Seuss Landing doing those rides. (along with other holiday shows / streetmosphere) Plus, consider making time for Hagrid’s.


What are the Express line waits for popular rides typically like during busy times?

We were just there on December 29th which was crazy crowded. We never waited more than 20-30 minutes for any ride with Express Pass and usually considerably less.


DD8 wil be tall enough for Hagrid’s, but DS6 will not. DS6 loves coasters and it would be really hard for him to know his sister was riding Hagrid’s without him. We will go back for a longer UO trip when he reaches 48" and all ride Hagrid’s together then. We will tell both of them that this is a short UO trip and we are not waiting in the long line for Hagrid’s.