Is it possible to ride FOP rope drop and again with LL?

Is it possible to ride FOP at AK rope drop and then again with the lightning lane later on in the day?
For example, I assume you have to book FOP early that morning? When you book FOP via LL in the morning, lets say for 11am…can you then goto FOP first thing on rope drop and ride it and still ride it later via LL at 11am?

Yes you can.

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thanks for the quick reply…so, when you go ride it via rope drop, it won’t automiatically use your LL? Since the app will detect that you’re at the FOP ride area?

The system knows your LL isn’t valid until 11am. Any ride before then does not count against you.

If you don’t tap in to the LL queue, it doesn’t matter that you’re in that area. You’ll be going through the regular queue at RD, not the LL queue.