Interesting EPCOT construction at Japan

Some photos from the Japan area of EPCOT this morning.

I suspect this is something for the upcoming fireworks show at EPCOT. But that seems like a LOT of pilings, in a very desirable waterfront setting, right?


They are constructing what seems to be a big platform for the new show in front of the America and Japan pavilions.



Out with Stargate and Tacos
In with obstructing pilings.

Do they listen to the people? Only kind of…


Hopefully this will sit squarely in the sightline through the red “gate” as you look toward Spaceship Earth so it can be part of every future photo op there! :roll_eyes:


I just answered Len over on WDWMagic with my thoughts.

Which are that if this platform is where several barges will be moored for fireworks launching, that they are going back to the original concept of the focus of WS being the America Pavilion from Future World.

However there could be similar platforms N, S, E & W. I genuinely don’t know, I haven’t followed how much info we have about the new show to know one way or the other.

And I’m hoping the platform sits lowish in the water. No giant structure like the Stargate.


I saw one article (can’t find it now, of course) that said the pilings will be cut at or below water level when done. No word on what will be on top of the pilings, though.

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Thought I’d post this here until I can find a thread on the new Epcot fireworks show.

It’s the first look at the barges to be used, thanks to Bioreconstruct. Of particular relevance to the discussion above is this bit, which should be reassuring to most people:

“ Storing the three smaller barges inside the fork of each of the larger barges will make it much easier to logistically move the platforms from backstage to the lagoon each day. Unlike Harmonious, the new show will have minimal daytime intrusion of the lagoon view, with hardware being brought in and out of the lagoon before each performance.”

Article here:

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