Insurance to Cover RunDisney Fees

Hello all! It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted! I know the rundisney boards aren’t as active as others, but I also know that if any group has the answer to my questions it’s this group.

My son has asked to do the 10k at the Disney Marathon Weekend. I have my eye on Dopey. Let’s be honest, I basically just want to do the marathon, but I also want to run the 10k with my son, so why not just go for it. I’ve already started training for local summer and fall races, and I’ve been doing halves and fulls for a fairly long time although I’m not that fast anymore. I have two main concerns:

  1. Getting both of us signed up simultaneously. Getting a spot just for myself in the half last year was harrowing. Trying to get two different sign ups sounds impossible. But what if I have my husband signing up my son and me signing up myself, I get in and my son doesn’t or my son gets in and I don’t… it would really suck. I think I already know the tips and tricks for this, I’m just stressed about it.

  2. It’s nearly $1k non refundable for both of us. He does track and cross country, and I am simply clumsy. The risk of injury is not null, LOL. I’ve been reading a lot about trip insurance and I’m a bit lost and overwhelmed as to anything would actually cover the race fee if we can’t go. Has anyone here gone that route? Can anyone recommend a travel insurance company or plan? Do I need to buy it before registration or can I register first and decide to insure after the fact?

Thanks for any tips!

Once you are in the registration portal successfully you can sign up multiple runners, so just have all of your son’s info ready to go and you should be fine

I don’t know the answer but would be interested myself. I signed up for the inaugural Springtime Surprise 2022 and then could not go because I was sent on a work trip. Losing the $500+ fee kept me from signing up for runDisney for more than a year. I risked it again for Princess Half Marathon weekend this year and was happy I did and am thinking of which races next, but I would buy insurance to not have the hit of losing those hefty runDisney fees

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This is searches various insurance companies so you can compare:

You can buy insurance after you book your trip, but it usually needs to be purchased within a short time period.


That is super helpful, thank you!

I’m hoping it won’t be too difficult since we are doing two different events. I wish it would hold the spot for you for like 15 minutes like other event ticket sites. We’ll see- I guess if we don’t get in, then that is one way to save quite a bit of $$$ LOL.

But the same race weekend, yes? You do not have to be signing up for the same events in the weekend. When I was doing the Goofy every year, I would register me for the Goofy, me for the 5K, and DD for the 5K all at the same time.

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That’s reassuring. I’m mostly afraid it will sell out while I’m putting in our info and/or adding the other race. Fingers crossed, less than thirty minutes to go!

Rundisney looks different than last time. I don’t see a place to login? We’re off to a nice start LOL!

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Just click on the thing where it said “registration opening soon” and you’ll be in the queue

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Thank you, I’m in line! :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


Good luck!


I’m in! That was so much less intense than I was anticipating!

wow, omg I just signed up for Dopey. I’m having a severe “What did I do?” moment… but I’m really excited to tackle this challenge! And it will be my first long distance race with my son!


Good luck to you too if you are registering! I hope you’re in as painlessly as I was

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Thanks, but I’m sitting Marathon Weekend out :slight_smile: My husband and I are doing Wine & Dine in November and that’s all my wallet can handle right now :rofl:


I definitely understand that one. It adds up fast. I wish my schedule allowed me to do the Wine and Dine- that seems more like my vibe than marathon weekend!

Our challenge is around hockey. My son will be a Junior (God willing, if he ever gets his work done :roll_eyes: ) next year so we have just a couple more years of guaranteed hockey seasons. It makes Marathon Weekend tough - one of us has to stay behind - and Princess is absolutely not possible as that’s playoff season. Eventually I think I’d like to hit all of the weekends, though not in the same year LOL

That would be tough to work around! My son is a Freshman and he does Track and Cross Country. It makes spring break and summer difficult but the coaches are actually quite understanding and accomodating for most dates in the summer. I am a professor/lecturer so I’m tied to the academic schedule of my institution. I just applied for a promotion, which would make the wallet aspect of this easier, but my breaks would be shortened and I’d barely be able to do Marathon weekend- if I get the promotion then I’ll have to fly back home the day of the Marathon. Not a long flight, but it sounds painful. Princess and Food and Wine would not be possible at all unless I take a semester off

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Fricken life getting in the way of fun, amirite???


Hugest Magical Yay!!!