In park reference/cheat sheets

I’m making us (me) some in park reference guides/cheat sheets. On one side will be our touring plan for the day. I was wondering what other useful information I should put on the other side? I was thinking along the lines of CS/snack recommendations, restroom locations. What else would you include? Perhaps those things that as frequent visitors you take for granted, but as a first timer I’m not going to be able to remember without a reference? My guide will, of course, be laminated (thanks for letting me know that tip)

I’d like to have fpp kiosk and phone charging station locations handy.

Great ideas. Thanks

Maybe neat little ‘hidden’ details to check out? Hidden Mickey’s and the like

Like that idea too. Thank you

Where certain characters meet, special shows you don’t want to miss like Jamminators at Epcot

Excellent idea. Liners rock :slight_smile:

If you don’t mind, I’d love to find out what you wind up w especially on side 2

No problem at all. Will be working on it over the next couple of days. Will post when I’ve got something.


Definitely include suggested snack with locations (such as School bread from Norway) and recommended CS locations. This is my third trip and I haven’t tried most of hone snacks I wanted to because I forget when I a, in the parks! I would also include anything to avoid maybe at the very bottom, such as “don’t eat here”. I tend to remember the “good” places I should try but forget the places I want to skip!

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