I'm helping a friend with MK plan for Jan 2. Thoughts?

Family friends will be at WDW for the first time January 2 (2 adults, 2 kids ages 9 and 6). It is a short 2 day trip with day 1 and MK and day 2 at HS. Helping them out with MK plan.

They will buy G+ and ILL for 7DMT and will RD Early Entry.

Their must-do’s are PP, JC, BTMRR, HM, Pirates and meet Arial plus some lesser demand attractions like IASW and Dumbo. They are skipping Space and Tron. I normally RD Space at EE so I’m not sure what to suggest to them.

I was thinking:

EE - PP standby
LL - JC at 7:00 am, followed by Meet Ariel, HM, BTMRR, and Pirates.

How are the lines for PP at EE? Any thoughts on a better option for EE given their “must do’s”?

I’ve rope dropped PP during early entry on our last 2 trips and think it’s an easy, no stress option (I’d say around 70% of the MK trip drop crowd is gunning for 7DMT, and a good chunk of the rest for SM).

Depending on CL, as long as you walk over there with purpose, could be a walk on or very short wait (5-10 min). If it’s a walk on they could even go for one other short FL ride during EE (we like WtP, or Carousel if you want to minimize waking), and then line up for your second RD for Adventure/Frontierland: definitely make JC the first stop there, should be minimal wait too at RD. Would then knock out BTMR and PotC in that order.

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