Iconic WDW Dining Quest

So, I’m looking for a place to take a 7yr old boy for a disney memory. We are staying for 6 days, and I realized that I don’t have anything like that scheduled yet. We’re staying at the Swan, and I adr’d the seafood buffet + character meal at the hotel because he LOVES seafood (chip off the ol’ block,) but upon further review, I’m cancelling that ADR. (The food reviews are almost universally pretty horrendous.) While I don’t wanna bash the place, I just don’t want to risk it on such a high priced vacation. There’s really no reason since there are so many other options.
So - parameters:

Price is not an issue, but I generally scoff at overpriced food since I love to cook.
Seafood would be great, but not necessary.
Somewhere between (or AT) MK and Swan - monorail line is definitely being considered.

Mulling over:
Cape May Cafe - simply for copious amts of seafood.
Ohana - for the Disney Cool factor.
Hoop De Do (The Mrs says she’s not interested, but I think she and the boy would absolutely LOVE it.)

Currently, We have one EMM scheduled at HS, so one super cool character meal is already scheduled. I’m also trying to land a BOG pre rd adr for one of the days.

The meal I’m trying to decide this for will be after an am tour of MK ending at 1pm, and before needing to be at HS by 7:30pm, OR

Before a 7pm evening tour of MK on a Saturday or Sunday, so Swan to MK, which means Boardwalk, Epcot, and therefore anything on the Monorail can be in play - though I don’t want to waste too much travel time - (I think hoop de doo would be fun enough for the extra travel “hoops” to jump through - see what I did there? tee hee.)

So now that I think about this - it’s kind of an “Iconic WDW boy” dinner, OR a dinner where a 7yr old boy can eat crab legs and shrimp until he wants no more, and not care that any characters or entertainment are not around - a healthy blend of both was what I was hoping for when I booked the seafood buffet at the hotel.

What about Chef Mickey’s? I know some have said they don’t like the food, but it is one of our favorites. The buffet has a great variety, including seafood. Plus, you get the character interaction for your son, and you are in walking distance to MK.

I agree about Chef Mickey’s, it is loud, but our kids loved it! Taking the monorail over, then heading right back over to MK after…our kids still talk about it and it was 2 trips ago…

Just pinged a few ppl at work after reading your suggestions, and they said Chef Mickey’s is right up my alley as well. Checked the menu, and saw “sushi selection” - if anyone can say the sushi was decent, this will be a no brainer. As a family, we can eat our weight in sushi.

I don’t really have any reference to the sushi, because we are not sushi eaters, and had not eaten it anywhere else, but we liked it. In addition, my husband loved the salmon, and we both ate multiple plates of the peel and eat shrimp. The lobster mac and cheese was one of my favorites. My boys are less adventurous and went with the turkey, chicken, and roast beef. We’ve eaten there several times, and have no complaints on the food.

Good enough for me - I have the res finder set up already. Thanks!

If you don’t get that I think you’re family would enjoy HDDR. I was kind of a curmudgeon about it myself but ended up really enjoying it. And surprisingly the food was fantastic. The sushi place at the Swan gets good reviews. Cape May is loved by seafood eaters but be warned it smells like they use the eau de day old fish as an air freshener. As someone that does not love seafood I can barely walk past the place but the stench is horrendous lol.

Scored a 5:40pm at CM! It’ll definitely do, but I’m still gonna keep searching for something closer to 5pm. What kind of time for a walk or other way to MK are we talking about from CM? Just trying to set up the MK tour after dinner. First fastpass window is 6:50-7:50. With a 5:40 res, we’ll probably show up at CM early with fingers crossed. The night tour of MK this day will be very light, 4-5 easy rides and Wishes. I had planned to be STUFFED from the seafood buffet, so I fastpassed easy rides - CM will slide right into this plan.

Thanks again!

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The last time it took us about 15-20 minutes of walking after walking all day at MK. It was a bit of a trek but doable. We ended up taking the monorail back to MK afterwards so we could rest a little. That took about as much time as the walking because MK was the third stop, after stopping at Poly, transportation center, then MK. So for us it was the same amount of time. I think you will enjoy it!

What about Coral Reef, Seafood and the location will be memorable, even if the food isn’t.

If you are in Epcot, my husband and I had the best fish and chips at the UK pavilion. I don’t say this lightly we are both born and raised New Orleanians. I’d have to say it was some of the best fried fish we’d ever had.