I made my first Touring Plan!

I didn’t even worry about the diaper situation when we took our oldest to DLR a couple of years ago. She was the only one and was almost potty trained, so I took her with me when I went and we were really only changing a diaper after sleep. With twins though, everything is divide and conquer or die changing diapers as I have no plans to potty train them before this trip.


:joy::joy: I know exactly what stages these are by your hilarious descriptions of them! Our older 2 were a tiny bit older than this by the time we had #3 so I guess I let dad get off the hook easy taking them while I maintained the baby bum frontier.

Our older 2 (only 19 months) were in diapers together for just over a year so it wasn’t probably close to what you do with twins, but I remember (and even have photo evidence from the first time it happened) of us doing the divide and conquer on the diaper front. Once the oldest was potty-trained I made the arrangement with him (that at least with all diapers containing #2) that I would change & he would dispose. And that’s just been in effect ever since even to this day.


Our oldest 2 were also 19 months apart! I remember changing them side-by-side in the back of our hatchback. But our oldest potty trained early, around 22 months, so that didn’t last long. Our others have been further apart, and our toddlers have obliged by potty training around the time a new baby arrives, so we’ve never actually gone on vacation with two in diapers. Phew!

I’m so happy to hear about shorter waits for the changing tables in men’s rooms. I’m totally using that.

The other interesting thing I have noticed is that when I get in line in the mens washroom with my toddler daughter (at WDW and elsewhere), most men volunteer to let us cut ahead of them (I don’t ask, they just volunteer). My wife says that has NEVER happened to her in womens washroom


Ugh!! That is one of my pet peeves! I remember being at a local fair with a newly potty trained 2 year old and nobody in line seemed to be able to hear him begging, whining, and saying he was about to pee his pants. I also remember a time when my sister-in-law’s young niece (maybe 4yo) peed her pants waiting in line for the bathroom at a Christmas show at a church. So frustrating! I mean, I know women have to generally wait longer in bathroom lines, but when you see a kid in need, let them go!!!

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When they were tiny MH did all the diapers when he was home. I fed, he diapered, then we switched babies. Our oldest was the trash runner. It was a very sweet deal, in my opinion. He’d likely be trying to renegotiate if we had plans for any more children.