I guess I'll be smelling some roses

We got to our room pretty late on Thursday. It’s way at the end of the hall, near Jelly Rolls. The view is pretty darn spectacular :star_struck:

We opted not to rope drop on Friday as we had the WAT booked and wanted to not be exhausted for that. I fumbled with the internet at 7, so ended up booking FOP for in the afternoon after WAT. I booked KS for around 10:30 I think.

Just got called for our table at Sci-Fi…to be continued…


If you know, you know :wink:




Picking up where I left off.

We arrived at AK around 8:30 or 9:00. I immediately spoofed Devine when we walked in! I have never seen her before, so that was a great to start to the day. Then we moseyed around the Oasis, just taking it all in. Next up, we took a leisurely walk around the tree checking out all the carvings. I also saw the kangaroos!

The otters were napping, so we headed on into Africa. We were too early for our KS LL, so we walked through Gorilla Falls. Oddly enough, none of my friends could find Jafar :thinking::joy:

The highlight of our safari was the baby zebra! It was her first time out in the Savannah. So cute :heart_eyes:

Next up was the bird show, another first for me! We still had a little bit of time, so ITTBAB was nearby and quick.

Then, our WAT! What an incredible experience. I haven’t tried to download the pictures yet, but will post some once I do. We had great guides, Dominic and Miranda. I don’t fare well with heights, but the bridges were much easier than I anticipated. Fun fact, I was at WDW when Greta the hippo was born, so got to see her at like 2 days old! It was really cool walking right over top of her and seeing how much she’s grown in 2 years. We also got to see the baby zebra again! This time she was running and rolling about! Again, so cute! Our guide Dominic was over the moon as this was his first time to see her.

Behind the Seeds beginning now, to be continued…


Really??! This tour is on my radar, but I’m not sure how I will do. This gives me hope.

Wow :heart_eyes:

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