With the Harry Potter additions in USF, I think it would be fun to try to tour all of the HP attractions in somewhat chronological order. Start on London waterfront, HEx to Hogsmeade, Hogsmeade section, HEx back to London, Ollivanders, DA, EFG, or something like that.
Wait times over the summer suggest this would be a horrible waste of time. However, when I ran a couple scenarios through the personalized touring plans for mid-November (the time my fam would be most likely to return) on crowd level 2 day, it seemed entirely possible. The plans I ran through suggested we could get through all the HP attractions in chronological order including lunch at the Leaky Cauldron by 1pm.
I realize statistical models are not guarantees, etc, etc, so I was wondering if anyone had already attempted a chronological HP tour. If you have, or if you’re planning one, I’d love to hear how it went.
I’ve actually been working on building such a plan, based on the 1st time each location/shop is referenced in the books. But there is a crazy amount of backtracking involved, it’s very inefficient…
We are heading to Universal for one day only in mid-November only for Harry Potter (we’re at Disney the rest of the time). We are all huge HP fans and this is all we want to do… I sure wish there were some way to build a touring plan for both Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley in Touring Plans, but the software seems to only let me choose one park. Quite frustrating!
thanks! I do see it and I guess it’s a starting point, though it’s in two parts and includes a bunch of stuff we don’t want.
I just want one simple, streamlined HP plan that covers both parks for Potter-heads with lots of time for exploring, shopping, picture-taking, eating, etc. – in addition to attractions!
I wish I could create this kind of plan myself for both parks, but I can’t see how to do it.
If you’re a subscriber, you can copy the plans & personalize them. So you could take out all of the attractions that aren’t relevant to your trip, add breaks for browsing, shopping, etc. You’ll still have 2 separate plans because you’ll be going to 2 separate parks, but you can definitely take out non-HP attractions, optimize, etc.
Darn, now no early entry for IOA in off-season. I think it would be tough to start in London, go to Hogsmeade, and then come back to EFG & DA without EE in both parks, even during very slow times.
You should copy both parts of our Wizarding World 1 day/2 park plan into your personalized plans, and simply delete the attractions you want to skip. Or you can create 2 new plans from scratch, one for each park. Our software only handles 1 park per plan (same for Uni as WDW & DLR) but its easy to start one plan, then switch to the other when you change parks, and later go back to the 1st if you return.
It should be very possible to do EFG 1st thing during early entry, then ride FJ when IOA opens, and return to DA in the afternoon. I’m going to test it out tomorrow.